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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 11


" I can't tell you. " I mumble.

Malakai's face drops. " You can tell me, I can protect you Cori. "

" No Kai, you can't. " I tell him.

I don't need him to protect me, I can do that myself. The problem is I always fail at protecting others, people have gotten killed because of me and the guilt of that is too overwhelming, if I added my own J

" I don't know you! How could I possibly trust you? " I growl, frustrated that he keeps pushing me.

" I'm your beloved! " He shouts.

" Well maybe you shouldn't be. " I turn away from him.

Even if I told him the truth, I would have to tell him why my own pack, my own family wants me dead. Why would he be any different? How could be possibly want me as his mate? The

thing that unbalances nature. The abomination. He wouldn't want me if he knew what I was.

" When you clean up you may use the room across the hall. There will be clothing left out for you. " Malakai's voice is cold and distant when he speaks.

Not answering him, I keep stay facing the bath which is now full while he leaves the room. I jump slightly when he slams the door behind him, I lean over and turn off the water and then slowly get into the bath, giving my body time to adjust to the heat. The brief thought that I haven't locked the door comes to mind but I assume Malakai won't be coming back in here anytime soon and I doubt anyone else would be in his room anyway.


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