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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 21


Malakai stands in front of me, watching me carefully with narrowed eyes, anger and confusion are clear in them, making me gulp. I chew on my lip trying to figure out if there's a way to get myself out of this, when I realise there's not I hang my head. This is not the way this was supposed to happen.

" Okay listen Kai, I can explain- "

" I sure hope you can Corinna, I'd love to hear your explanation because I have no fucking idea what's going on anymore. What the hell are you?! " He cuts me off.

" I.. Have you ever heard about the hybrid? " I ask him.

His eyebrows furrow but he nods his head. " Of course I have, nearly everyone has at this point, I don't know much just like everyone else. What has that got to do with anything? "

" I'm the hybrid Kai, I'm half witch, half wolf. My father found his mate, my mum, who was a witch but she had masked her scent so she didn't smell like a witch, she just smelt human. They mated and had me. When I was a kid she suppressed my gifts after she'd gotten discovered, hoping that it would save my life, it did until my gifts were awakened on my eighteenth birthday, I exposed myself straight away because when they were awakened my gifts caused me to release a large amount of energy that sent my father, and my uncle who is also my alpha flying across the 'Main Street' as we call it, of our land.

I ran from them to save myself, they told me I was an abomination, that they should've killed me when I was a child. They've been hunting me ever since. That's why I have scars all over my body, that's why I tried to run when we met because they're one of the largest packs in the country and they've ripped apart anyone who they knew helped me over the years. " I tell him, an unexpected feeling of relief overwhelms me.

" When were you going to tell me? " Kai frowns. " Were you even going to tell me? "

" Yes, I just I didn't know when. " I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

Kai shakes his head, turning away from me. " Where are you going? " I call, he ignores me walking further away.

" Kai! Where are you going! " I shout, running after him.


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