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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 4


Over the next few days Gia and I travelled throughout the day, once I'd explained to her that I needed to keep moving because the vampire's body could be traced back to me, she insisted that I go on as usual and that she would come with me until she was well enough to find her way home.

Healing Gia took longer than it usually would due to not having any herbs or even anything to sew her wound together with, using magic to speed up the healing process while also closing a wound can be very painful which is usually what herbs help with, but without them Gia's body could only take so much before we'd have to stop and allow her to rest.

Sitting up in my wolf form I look around our campsite we'd set up, I'd built a make shift shelter out of bark, leaves and other things I could find near by so that Gia would be sheltered from some of the rain and wind throughout the night, as a wolf I was naturally warmer and able to keep that warmth so I didn't have to worry, but the last thing we needed was Gia getting sick while still healing.

Anytime we found somewhere to sleep for the night over the past couple days, I would set up camp, hunt to feed myself, then hunt rabbits and cook them to feed Gia, afterward I would use my gifts to heal as much of her leg as she could handle and I would clean and dress her wound as best as I could with what I had as she slept, I would then shift and settle down with her trying to keep her warm until morning and then we would do it all over again.

When I'm back on two legs, I gently pull the cloth wrapped around Gia's leg to check on how it was doing. It was way better than before, now the deep jagged gash that stretched from the top of her thigh and curved down to the side of her knee was nearly completely closed, it had started to scab over night which was a good sign but the skin around it was a deep irritated red that worried me slightly.

Silently I rewrap her leg, then wander off to a near by lake, once I'd filled my canteen with water, I set it down onto the shore and began to walk into the water until it was so deep my toes just barely touched the floor. I allow my legs to rise up so that I'm floating on my back with my hair in the water, I stay like that for an unknown amount of time, enjoying the calmness that washed over me as I looked for shapes in the clouds and watched the birds flying above me.

Eventually I bag to swim back to shore, while doing so I heard footsteps running in the same direction where I'd left Gia. Completely forgetting my canteen I begin to run, shifting mid air as I race back toward the campsite.

When I got there Gia was gone and I watched as a large group of about fifteen wolves wandered around the area, trying to sniff something out. I took a deep inhale realising that Gia was in fact nearby, no doubt hiding herself, I step out from the trees gaining the wolves attention.

They all stalked towards me growling, I needed to get them away from here, away from Gia. One of the wolves, who was larger than the rest stepped forward, his bones cracked loudly until he stood in front of me, his tall muscular body completely bare. He quickly ran a hand through his honey blonde hair before speaking.

" Shift. " He demanded his auburn eyes watch me intently, as I took him and his aura in I realised he was a Gamma of whatever pack these wolves belonged to.

Without a second thought I shift back, his raises an eyebrow at me when I show no discomfort about my naked form. My dripping wet hair clings to my skin and ends up covering my breasts perfectly.


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