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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 174

Chapter 0174

“Thank you again sir."

“Well, I will leave you to it. Warrior Osiston will get you acclimated with the compound facilities. and he will get you your training and school schedule. I believe your friend Sierra will be very excited to know that the classes you will be attending will be at our local school.

Our schools run year round, so there will be no break from studies for you this summer.

I want to give you a little bit of normalcy with the strange circumstance that you find yourself in.” Alpha King Reggie pats me on the shoulder and gives me a small little smile that reminds me of Alpha Lucas and Delta Kyle when they are letting me try something new all on my own and they are more nervous about it than I am.

Then he nods at Warrior Osiston before leaving.

“All right little one, head into your closet there, your uniforms are all set up for you. You will wear a uniform everyday, anytime that you are out of your room. When you are in your room feel free to wear whatever you want but considering you came with nothing you're stuck with the uniform.” Warrior Osiston flashes a ghost of a smile.

“Did you just make a joke? I didn’t know that was possible.” I laugh and he fights a smile.

“We will get some of your personal things from Luna Ava.

You can write a letter to her requesting items you may want or need from home.

I will give you exactly 3 minutes to change and to be out in this hallway so we can finish the rest of our tour.” With that he steps out and closes the door.


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