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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 664

Epilogue 7

“You couldn’t just ask one of our warriors for a meeting? You had to interrupt our family dat and demand we see you here.” Oliver comes up next to me.

“Seriously? There’s no way any of you would have seen me, and you never would have let her talk to me. If she was my mate, I wouldn’t let anyone talk to her either.” All of my guys growl, this is not going to end well for him if he doesn’t get it together. “I would have been given food and a bed for the night and then sent on my way with an ‘our alphas wish you the best of luck but we are full.’” Clearly he’s heard this line before. “So I played the only card I had and I’m hoping for Sky’s good nature to come through for me since we have a pretty close history.”

Probably not the best way for him to phrase that. All three of my mates growl again, Mateo and Sam step forward.

“How do we know we can trust you? You worked directly for Vincent.” Dakota grumbles from our other side.

“Are you kidding? I worked for his dumbass son. I saved her and she saved me. She’s the only person I wouldn’t lie to.” He closes his eyes. “That came out wrong, but not really. We are even, but that kind of experience leaves a mark. I saw how she cared for and treated others and I know she could beat the sh*t out of me if I stepped out of line. Not to mention that she is such a beast that the Moon Goddess had to give her, what, three mates. Yeah, I did what I had to do to survive, but she’s one person I can’t go against, never could. I actually think she has some kind of magic that prevents it, or makes me do the right thing or some sh*t like that. It’s kind of creepy really, Sky.” He doesn’t know about that part of me, but looks at me right in the eyes and I can see his desperation. He needs to belong, a place to call home, like so many other people Vincent almost destroyed. Cam growls when he doesn’t look away from me though. I know my guys don’t know all the history, but even I can see how the longing in his eyes might look. It’s not me he wants, it’s what I have the power to give him.

“Eyes off our mate, or you won’t keep them.” Oliver’s deep voice rumbles next to me.

“Huh? Oh, right. Sorry.” He looks anywhere but at me, which also seems stupid. “It’s just been a while and you look different, but exactly the same. It’s strange.”

“I think that was a compliment. What would make us want to consider you as a part of our pack? How are you going to prove loyalty?” Dakota huffs.

“I helped Sky get away and I brought Elena to you. I know that I made choices and I have to live with them, but it was all in survival. We had to survive, that was the only thing to do at the time. Like I said, Sky is mag and for some reason I couldn’t harm her or do anything against her. I couldn’t let anyone else harm her either.” He looks right at me and I know exactly what he is talking about. He managed to keep Micheal and the other guards away from me, but not Jena. “I am a decent fighter, but I will take any place you give me. I can’t be a rogue anymore.”

Chapter 0664 1

Chapter 0664 2


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