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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 662

Epilogue 5

“Yep. On it.” Dakota blurts, momentarily disturbing the tiny girl in his arms. He recovers quickly whispering to her, holding her close to his face and smiling like an idiot, but she loves it smiling at the sound of his voice, or maybe his familiar scent. I'm not sure what they can sense right now. He doesn't look away from her when he asks, “Should I get three cribs or one big one for them to share?” He jumps up, but makes sure not to disturb her again now that she is settled and starts pacing the room , I'm sure mindlinking someone. I just laugh before I groan at the soreness.

“What! What is it?” Oliver pats me with one hand, they are so natural at this. It's like they have been training for holding babies their whole lives. He continues to rub my leg while he is using the other hand to hold… wait I don’t know their names.

I shake my head from the distracting thoughts. I thought that side effect would go away when I had the girls, I guess not. “Nothing, I’m just sore, but what are you calling them? Did you name them?”

“We’ve been waiting on you, Love. I know we talked about it, but nothing was ever decided. Is there anything in that magic little brain of yours telling you what they should be called?” They all sit back down and I get a good look at my girls for the first time.

Fat little pink cheeks and button noses. They all have little blonde chick fuzz poking out of the tops of the blankets they are wrapped in. They are all sleeping so I can’t see what their eye color is.

Cameron hands me his bundle. She squirms just a bit as she settles into my arms and he is instantly on edge, ready to snatch her up if she even squeaks. I have to give him a glare before he settles down and takes a breath and leans back. I adjust the blanket around her to get a better look. As soon as her full head is exposed it's like she knows I want to see her. She looks at me with these wide, piercing green eyes just watching me and her name hits me as she smiles. “Charlene. Charlie.” I smile back at her and then nuzzle her sweet face into mine wanting her baby scent burned into my memory. She’s my jasmine girl. After a few more snuggles I hand her back to Cam who starts cooing her name immediately while rocking her.

Oliver is next to hand over his gift like she is made of glass. I look her over the same way as Charlie. Her warm golden eyes look like the sunrise and she smells like sweet roses. “Oriana. Ori” I whisper and look at him. He holds my gaze for a brief second, but only has eyes for his little girl. I don’t know if his smile has ever been that wide. Even for me. He takes her back and starts pacing like Cam, just whispering nonsense and looking way too adorable for their own good.

Dakota slides over with his cargo. “You really are amazing, Smalls, you know that?” I just smile at him and look at our daughter as he places her in my lap. She’s moving more than the other two, trying to stretch and get her arms free of the cumbersome blanket, looking a little miffed at being confined. I have a feeling I know what color her eyes are going to be before she looks up at me.

“Danielle. Dani.” I don’t even hesitate with my blue-eyed, juniper girl. I laugh as she wrinkles her nose at Dakota’s kisses.

“How are you going to tell them apart?” He looks up at me, he can't stop smiling.

“Are we really going to have this conversation again?” I roll my eyes, but he looks confused.

“Uh, yeah." He sounds unsure like I asked him a trick question. "They smell the same and they are identical…in every way. Trust me we checked.”

I laugh and Dani smiles as she bumps around on my belly. “Well, you three are going to have trouble, they are going to give you a run for your money and I am going to laugh the whole time.”

Chapter 0662 1

Chapter 0662 2

Chapter 0662 3


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