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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 663

Epilogue 6

I was kept in the hospital for a full week after I woke up. Sierra’s parents took all kinds of samples for testing and actually packed a bunch up from me and the girls to take back to their lab to see if they can find a pattern or a way to help our family in the future. Elena and Gentry made sure that we had all of the best healing herbs and spells too.

Everyone was extra careful with me and I got it…sort of. I know that no one knows what is going to happen, but according to the legend of our family, having the first female was supposed to be the most traumatic part. No one actually talked about the healing part after or what happened when it was over. So we are just winging it as usual when it comes to me and my weird abilities.

No one has said anything, but I know everyone wants to know if Ori will have gifts or if all three girls will. According to our legend, it should just be Ori as the first born, but the guys and I have talked about it and nothing has been according to plan when it comes to me, so we can’t rule out that all the girls will carry whatever crazy genetics I have. We also have to assume that any other kids we have will carry the genes too.

Any kids we have from now on should be normal pregnancy and birth. I don’t think my mates are going to take any chances though. I can’t believe I am already thinking about ‘next time’ but I know there will be. If I can get pregnant at any time without a heat, then we are going to end up with a brood.


2 years later

“AH! What are you doing? Don’t teach her to do that! What is wrong with you?” Ava shouts at Dakota who has Dani standing on his shoulders ready to dive into the pool.

The rest of us are laughing. There is no stopping Dani when she gets an idea in her head. If she wants to try something she’s going to whether we approve or not. So we have just learned to keep her as safe as we can. Ori is standing on the sides observing. She is all in on this too. She actually came up with the idea to jump from higher and higher surfaces to see how high they could get. But being the thinker of the three she made it sound so exciting that her daredevil sister had to try jumping off Daddy’s shoulders first. My Charlie girl is coloring at the little table we have by the pool, pretending not to pay attention. She is more quiet than the other two, but no less daring. She’s going to have to be the one we watch the most, she will be sneaky. The three of them together spells absolute trouble and they’re only two.

***“Alphas! You are needed at the border. We have a situation.”***

It wasn’t a panicked message, but I could feel the urgency. I look at my mates as we walk in and I can tell they are mindlinking together. “If you even suggest that I stay behind you will not get laid for a month. Understand?” I shoot a look at each of them.

Chapter 0663 1

Chapter 0663 2


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