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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 660

Epilogue 4

“No! Stop that thought right there. Once we start that, I get nothing done the rest of the day.” I put my finger up in his face then move past him to wash my hands, which is another amazing feat since I have to stand sideways. He just laughs behind me. They used to try to hide when they were laughing at my newfound obstacles, but I can’t chase or catch them anymore so it’s just open season. “Asshole.” I mutter.

“What?! It’s cute.” He walks up and plants a kiss on my forehead and then leans down to kiss my ever growing belly, which immediately shuts down any irritation I have.

We start walking down the hallway back to the offices when my whole body seizes. “Kota!” I choke out sinking to my knees. Everything is in slow motion. He runs to me. I hear Oliver yell my name from somewhere behind me. Someone scoops me up, but my vision is blurred. We are moving. Whoever has me is running, but this haze at the edge of my vision is making it hard to focus. People are talking and I think I am talking back, but it’s like being locked in my head. I don’t know if I am in control right now.

“On the table.” A female voice says stern, but calm. “The closer you are to her the better she will feel, but I will not hesitate to remove you if you become a danger to anyone in this room, including yourselves. Is that understood, Alphas?” Damn, I like her. I need her around all the time.

Movements. I feel my body being moved and adjusted. First my arms, then my legs. I still can’t see through the fog or move on my own.

***”What’s happening? I can’t see. Is everything okay?”***

My wolf responds. ***Yes. I pulled you back to lessen the pain. You are aware enough to keep your mates from being annoying, but far enough in your mind that you can withstand the process.”***

***”Are the girls okay? Why is it so painful?”***

Chapter 0660 1

Chapter 0660 2


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