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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100
The ladies turned to her with surprise in their eyes.
Yeah, they might be divorced, but a lot of people knew it was Kage she was pregnant for. Plus, Sylvie knew the manager. He was an acquaintance of Kage, and Kage was one of the major shareholders in the company.
The manager’s face paled. “Uh…I don’t think there’ll be any need for that, Ms. Sylvie. We could-”
Astrid’s nose flared. “Who the hell is her husband and who do you need to-”
“Kage Hawkins,” Cindy interrupted with a smug smile. “The name sounds familiar?”
Astrid’s friends gasped, unable to hide their surprise. The phones in their hands were from Fluxpoint.
Astrid may have not been in the country, but she sure knew the name. Everyone in the business world knew who Kage Hawkins was.
“If I were you,” Cindy lowered her voice to a conspirational whisper. “I’d pray he doesn’t find out you called his wife names.”
This time, it was Sylvie’s turn to look pompous. She turned to the cleaner. “Take care of this and
back to work.”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you so much! Thank you!” She bowed in gratitude and ran off.
Astrid’s face tightened with rage. She glared hard at Sylvie who held her gaze for a long time before walking away with Cindy.
Later in the day, Sylvie met up with the person that had called her in Silk and Satchel and received the ‘item’. It was a few strands of hair packaged in a small nylon. Lincoln’s hair.
“What do you need it for, anyway?” The guy asked after handing it to her.
She glanced at him before fixing it into her purse. “Something personal.”
She paid him. After which, he left her car.
Sylvie hoped she wouldn’t get caught. She’d already gotten Cora’s hair when she ‘visited’ them for the second time in school, but she couldn’t get close enough to Lincoln and had to get someone else to do it for her.
The only thing left for her to do was conduct a DNA on both hairs and see if they would be a match. Her guts told her to conduct the DNA on them. The result would determine her next step of action.
With that, she headed for the hospital.
The following night, Kage insisted they ate out for dinner. Well, Sylvie had been having a hard time chosing what to eat. So, she didn’t argue when he brought the suggestion.
The restaurant had a wide variety of food to choose from. Sylvie ate to her fill, and by the time they were done, she wished they were home so she could get right into sleep.
“Do I need to carry you?” Kage teased as to pass out.”
they walked out of the VIP room, his hand holding hers. “You look like you’re about
“Well, I might pass out. But I might pass out even faster if you have to carry me.” She rolled her eyes with a yawn.
10:56 Tue, Oct 22 BUB
Chapter 100
Kage laughed.
Walking out of the building, they were headed to their car when they ran into Lancelot.
He’d been leaning against his car which was parked in front of them, his hands crossed over his chest.
Sylvie’s pulse quickened as soon as she saw him. What in God’s name was he doing there?
“Hey, bro!” Lancelot pulled away from the car, wearing his usual broad smile. “Wow. What a coincidence we meet here.”
Kage and Sylvie slowed down, although a cold look had crept into Kage’s face.
“How’s it going? You know, I heard what happened and I’ve been meaning to-”
“Save it and just get out of my face.” Kage rudely cut him off, attempting to walk away with Sylvie.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you, Kage. It’s important.” Lancelot’s words halted him from behind.
Seeing that he had stopped walking, he moved to stand in his face. His eyes flicked to Sylvie’s nervous ones where he let out a small smile.
“How’re you doing, Sylvie?” His question sent a shiver down her spine, and she hoped to God that Kage wouldn’t notice how affected she was by his presence.
“Talk to me,” Kage’s cold voice dragged his attention from Sylvie. “What do you have to tell me?”
“Oh, about that.” Lancelot’s brows furrowed in a frown as he dropped his gaze to the floor. “It’s just… There’s a burden I’ve been carrying on me for quite sometime now, Kage.”
Air abandoned Sylvie’s lungs. If that had to keep happening, she might truly pass out from lack of air.
Her heart raced beneath her skin. No. Lancelot wasn’t revealing the truth to Kage, was he? He wouldn’t do it now.
“It happened years ago while we were in highschool and—
Sylvie’s legs wobbled. She lost her balance and almost tripped to the floor, but Kage was quick enough to steady her. “Hey! Are you alright?” His face was etched with concern as he asked, his hand around her waist.
The pounding in her heart was enough to create a good musical beat. She felt so dizzy, if Kage wasn’t holding her, she would’ve been on the floor already.
“I uh… I j…just need to sit.” She stuttered, her hand touching her forehead, unable to hide the tremble in her voice. Kage held her even closer.
“You should get her home. She needs to rest.” Lancelot chipped in, his face etched with concern. “Don’t worry, we can finish this conversation some other time.”
Kage looked at him. As much as he had been interested in the conversation, ensuring Sylvie was fine was more important.
“Come on,” he cooed, leading her to the car.
As soon as they were home, she excused herself to the bathroom claiming she needed to take a hot shower. Kage had insisted on helping her out with it, but she wouldn’t let him.
As soon as she was alone in the bathroom, she let the tears pour
10:56 Tue, Oct 22 BG.
Chapter 100
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The fear, pain and tears she’d been masking on her way home with Kage came out all at once in heavy currents.
Her body shook as she wept bitterly. It was getting real.
She had thought she was ready for the worst, but with Lancelot being so close to revealing the truth tonight, she realized she’s been wrong.
She wasn’t ready for it. She wasn’t ready to lose Kage. The son of a b******h brought her fear right to her face, reminding her that he held the cards. How could he do this to her?
She spent a long time in the bathroom which served as her sanctuary for the meantime. Kage, worried from how long she was taking, had to knock and only then did she round up.
“Are you sure I shouldn’t call Meredith?” He asked as she dressed up in the room.
He’d suggested it during the ride home.
“Nah, I’m fine – trust me. I just need to rest, and I’ll be fine, Kage. It probably has to do with the food.” She forced her lips to stretch in a smile, but even then, her eyes looked so sad they troubled Kage.
“Maybe the food was bad,” he mumbled thoughtfully, leaning against the table. “Maybe I should put a call through to the manager and—”
“It isn’t the food.”
“Because if they have something to do with this, I’m shutting down the place, Sylvie!”
Standing in front of the mirror, she gave him a long stare, her eyes growing even sadder.
How much he loved her. But soon, that love might become hate and she’d never get him back.
She dragged her eyes away from him, grabbing the hair brush in the drawer. She settled into her seat and began brushing the hair, but it didn’t take long before Kage came up, took the brush from her and continued.
“I can’t have anything happening to you, Sylvie.” His voice was calmer now, but worry still lingered on it’s edges. “The kids are almost here; we can’t afford any mistakes. So, tomorrow, we’ll go see Meredith, just to make sure everything’s fine.”
She managed a smile as she nodded.
In the morning, they headed to the hospital where Meredith did a thorough checkup on her as requested by Kage. She reported that everything was fine and there was no cause for concern.
Despite that, Kage had wanted to stay home with her, but Sylvie didn’t let him. After much arguments, she won and he headed to the office after dropping her off at home.
As she walked into the living room, she checked her email and noticed she had one unread one. It turned out to be a recording form a new email, and though she was a little skeptical, she played it.
Upon opening it, her phone nearly slipped from her hand. It was a recording of her conversation with Lancelot from six days ago when she’d visited him at the hotel. The son of a b****h recorded her!?
She managed to reach the couch, the pounding in her heart returning with full force. It was recorded and arranged in a way that confirmed what she did. If Kage got a hold of this recording he would know what she did. It was proof enough.
Her phone rang, startling her.
It was Lancelot. She couldn’t bring herself to receive the call until he called for the second time.
10:56 Tue, Oct 22 BUB
Chapter 100
“Have you rested enough?” His voice filled her ears. “And I hope you’ve gotten my little present. Do you like it, Sylvie?”
Fear had its icy fingers wrapped around her throat. She couldn’t breath, couldn’t utter a response.
“I hope this explains the gravity of my seriousness, Sylvie. Meet me at our previous location, and come ready. If you fail to show up, well… You can as well start drafting a goodbye text for Kage.” He hung up.
Kage returned home hours later and was displeased when he couldn’t find Sylvie home. Asking his domestic staff, they told him she’d left that morning, shortly after she got home.
Before his arrival, he’d been trying to reach her but couldn’t.
He brought out his phone and tried calling her again, but she still wasn’t reachable. For God’s sake, he hated when he had to worry about her whereabouts. It was past seven already.
He turned on the tracking device, but much to his surprise, her phone wasn’t trackable. That could only happen if her device wasn’t on.
His anxiety peaked to a whole new level. Her phone was switched off? Where the hell was she!?
Kage called everyone related to Sylvie, but none of them knew where she was. By the time the clock was approaching nine, he had already lost his mind.
He involved the police. Of course, a person had to be missing for twenty-four hours before a report should be made, but they made an exception for Kage.
Sylvie would never stay out for so long and be unreachable. Something was wrong-Kage could feel it deep in his bones. And the realization triggered a queasy feeling deep in his gut.




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