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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99
Kage left the hospital without seeing Lana. Since she was angry and in mourning, he knew things would gst messy if he went
Sylvie comforted him, letting him know it wasn’t his fault.
“You tried to stop her from drinking. If she hadn’t been drunk, this probably wouldn’t have happened,” she told him.
Of course, she felt bad for Lana. She could still remember the pain she had felt when she lost one of her babies. She simply didn’t want Kage to think his separation from Lana was the reason she lost the child.
Despite Lana’s carelessness, no mother deserved to lose her child.
In addition, Sylvie also couldn’t tell Kage the truth she’d been on the verge of revealing before Tana’s call interrupted. When he asked her after they got home from the hospital, she’d found a suitable lie to say that was enough to get it off his mind.
Just two days ago, he had learned that Lana cheated on him with his brother. Two daya later, they lost the pregnancy. The losses was too much on him already, Sylvie considered it cruel to add to it.
Perhaps, some day later, she’d tell him.
‘But what if Lancelot doesn’t give you some day?’ a voice whispered in her head.
Well, there was nothing she could do in that case. If Lancelot ended up revealing the truth to Kage before she gets the chance to…. Her life might just be doomed – like it’s always been.
Sylvie’s expected delivery date was in two weeks. She’s been excited, as well as anxious.
In two weeks, she and Kage would get to hold their little bunnies, but at the same time, something could go wrong and take her happy vapours.
She walked into Silk and Satchel with Cindy who’s lips were parted in amusement..
“My gosh! This place is awesome! I can’t believe I’ve never been here!”
Silk and Satchel was the top bag brand in the
Only very
few-the very rich ones-could go into it. Cindy came from a rich family, but unfortunately, her father wasn’t heavy on unnecessary expenses. He only gave them money for basic things. Things like designer bags, expensive jewelries and top gadgets weren’t luxuries Cindy and her siblings could afford with their father’s money.
Cindy concluded her father was simply being greedy. Unfortunately, there nothing neither she or her siblings could do until they started making more of their own money.
“Goodness! This place almost doesn’t seem real!” Cindy continued wowing. “Just take a look at the interiors, Sylvie. The management sure did a great job.”
It was undeniably true. The place was extremely beautiful and spotless. Flawless. But her mind could hardly dwell on its beauty as it had more things that occupied it.
It’s been five days since Lana lost her pregnancy. Since then, Sylvie’s been living in fear, wondering when Lancelot would
pain was still fresh in Kage’s heart, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him yet.
She’s spent the last five days always thinking and worrying, it was beginning to get to her. So, when Cindy came over and
suggested they went a little shopping, she welcomed the idea. Any distraction would do.
Tue, Oct 22 B
Chapter 99
They took their time going through the displayed items at Silk and Satchel. Every single item looked exquisitely beautiful with a price tag on it. They were expensive too, but they were designers and looked very beautiful.
“I think this will go well with that blue dress you have,” Cindy pointed at a particular bag in a show glass. “Remember that one you wore to Nila’s party? It’s going to look so good.”
“I think so,” Sylvie mumbled, staring at the bag with less enthusiasm.
They continued looking until they reached a particular glass that had just one bag in it.
“Wow,” the word came out breathless from Cindy’s lips as they stood in front of it.
For the first time, an item finally gripped Sylvie’s attention. The bag was the most beautiful piece she had seen so far. It was made with black and had gold stones at the top. Its beauty was hard to describe.
“This is gorgeous.” Cindy shook her head. “And…woah! So is the price.” She laughed.
Sylvie’s eyes shifted to the price tag. Just then, her phone rang, distracting her.
Her heart s***k*ed as always. What if it was Lancelot? What if he was calling to tell her he’d revealed the truth to Kage already?
She held her breath as she retrieved the phone and shakily released the breath when she discovered it was someone else. God. She needed to do something about this, otherwise, she might end up having a panic attack.
She excused herself from Cindy, walking a few steps away to take the call.
“Good day, ma’am, I wanted to let you know I’ve gotten the item you asked for.”
Sylvie’s skin p****d with nervousness. She looked around, as though they could be anyone eavesdropping on her conversation.
She cleared the lump that was beginning to build in her throat. “Okay, great job. I’ll meet up with you to get it later today.” “Alright, ma’am.”
The call ended.
Sylvie took a deep breath, running her fingers through her hair. God, this was risky. It was wrong. But she didn’t have a
“Hey! What is wrong with you!?” She whirled around
see a scene before her.
There was a young lady in the room with a spilled drink on her feet. Turned out ant a cleaner had been moving the remnants of her boss’ meal and somehow, accidentally dropped them before the lady.
The lady looked well-dressed and appeared like she’s never had to step on dirt before,
“I’m so sorry, ma’am,” the cleaner bowed her head so low, it might as well touch her feet. “It was a carelessness from my end. I simply tripped and-”
“You think your worthless apologies can fix this!?” The lady snapped, striking her in the face.
Sylvie gasped, her eyes shadowing disbelief. What the hell?
10:56 Tue, Oct 22 BI
Chapter 99
The cleaner’s hand rose to her cheek, but she didn’t dare to meet the lady’s gaze.
“If you’re incompetent, all you have to do is quit your d****n job! The lady fumed.
Sylvie was displeased. What was she rambling about? Yes, the drink had spilled at her feet, but it didn’t even touch her! Not even on her shoes. Why was she making a fuss about it?
“I’m so sorry, ma’am,” the cleaner bowed again. “Please, forgive me.”
She scoffed. “You seriously think you’re worth forgiving? You know, you should lose your job for this.”
Sylvie couldn’t hold it in anymore. She stepped forward. “She’s apologized severally, Ms. I think you should let it go already.”
The lady and the two obviously dumb friends she had behind her all turned to look at Sylvie like she was an intruder. The lady furrowed her brows, sweeping her gaze over Sylvie and stopping particularly on her bump.
“And who the hell are you? Her mother?” Her voice was sharp.
Sylvie did her best to overlook the remark. “Well, in as much as you know it isn’t possible, I don’t have to be her mother to defend her. She pointed at the lady’s shoes. “The drink didn’t even touch your shoes! She apologized to you, yet you went ahead to hit! That’s really poor of you.”
“How dare you?” The lady’s eyes burned with fury. “Who do you think you are to stand there and call me names? Do you even know who I am?”
“No, and honestly, I don’t need to.” Sylvie casually shrugged. “All I’m interested in is your attitude to this woman. it’s clearly uncalled for.”
Cindy had come closer, standing beside Sylvie.
“Who the hell is this intruding pregnant b****h?” One of the lady’s friends huffed. “It should be illegal for people like you not, to mind their business.”
“Call her names one more time, and you’ll have me to deal with. Cindy glared
at the
“Oh, really? What can you do?”
“Trust me, ugly, you wouldn’t want to know.”
The girl gasped. “Did you just call me ugly?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I wonder how the rest of the girls manage to walk with you. You’re clearly the odd one here.”
Just then, the manager and one other staff hurried to the scene which had long been drawing the attention of the people
“Ladies! Ladies! Please, what is going on here?” The chubby man’s voice was soft and concerned as he got to where they were. The cleaner’s face paled even further, sensing danger from the arrival of her boss.
The lady’s face was red with rage as she turned to the manager. Seriously, I think you need to tighten your security around here. Wretched things like them shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near this building.”
The manager shot Sylvie a weary glance before dragging his gaze to the floor. He noted the spilled drink, then looked at the
“Uh… what exactly happened, ma’am?” He asked.
10:56 Tue, Oct 22 B&B.
Chapter 99
The rude lady went ahead to narrate how the ‘clumsy’ cleaner had almost spilled drink on her, causing her discomfort. She added that Sylvie and her ‘nuisance’ of her friend wouldn’t mind their businesses and harassed she and her friends.
“Anyway, I want her fired,” she crossed her hands. “Just so you know, I am Astrid Cheng-granddaughter of Galen Cheng. We just got back to the country a month ago and I heard your brand is the nicest. But with such incompetent staff, I might be
forced to look elsewhere.”
Sylvie was astonished. She was a Cheng!? The founders of the world’s top fashion brand?
Goodness, no wonder she was such a spoilt brat. Her parents must’ve been too busy making money, they didn’t pay attention to her character.
And no wonder she was well-dressed.
The manager’s eyes beamed. “Y… You’re a member of the Cheng family!? Oh! It’s an honor to have you here today!” The lady cast a pompous look at Sylvie, obviously feeling achieved now that her identity had been revealed.
“So, I want her fired.” She pointed at the cleaner. “Else, I’ll leave and tell every member of my family not to come visiting.”
The cleaner trembled.
“I’m afraid that is not happening,”. Sylvie spoke out. “The cleaner wouldn’t spill this on purpose. She’s already apologized, and besides, the rude lady here already hit her in the face. It’d be unfair that the cleaner loses her job over someone’s terrible attitude.”
Astrid gasped. “How dare you still use such words on me!?”
“Um, ma’am…” The manager stuttered. “I think you should-”
“Do I need to give my husband a call?” Sylvie cut him off.


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