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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 53

Opening the envelope, he brought out the note and was surprised when he read it’s content.
I don’t know if everyone in your board is simply dumb or no one has actually thought to advice you to make your launch happen a day before Pulse-Wave’s
He scoffed, trying to digest it. D****n it, why did he never think of this!
Pulse-Wave was launching a day before them which made it a threat. If they could launch before Pulse-Wave, they wouldn’t have to be so threatened anymore.
And Pulse-Wave was launching in two days, meaning he only had the next day to do his
Slipping the note back into the envelope, he marched away to Sylvie’s office. She seemed engrossed in her system when he walked in.
“Mr. Hawkins, is there something I can do for you?” She gave him the formal approach.
He scoffed. “I found your note,” he waved the envelope in her face. “Why didn’t you say this sooner?”
She returned her gaze to her system, her fingers typing away n the keyboard. “So, you can accuse me of flirting with you? You know, these days, the only thing I haven’t been called by you is a whore.”
He rolled his neck, exhaling deeply.
“Listen, I know I’ve f***d up a lot, but I need you to know I regret most of my actions, Sylvie. I was ”
“It is inappropriate into discuss personal matters during work hours, Mr. Hawkins,” she interrupted him. “Those are your
rules, not mine.”
“Drop the act, will you?” He rose his voice a notch. “I’m being serious here.”
“So am I, she gestured at the system and the files in front of her
Staring at her, Kage didn’t know exactly what to do. She could be pretty annoying when she wanted to be.
He shook his head and headed for the door, deciding he needed to call for an urgent board meeting Reaching the door, he paused and glanced back to her.
“Thank you, Sylvie.”
she didn’t lift her head from her system or acknowledge him, but as soon as he was out the door, she did.
Kage held a quick meeting with some trusted board members, and the launch was fixed for the next day. They didn’t spread the information – not wanting whoever the spy was to reveal it to Pulse-Wave. It wasn’t until the following morning that the notice was sent out, notifying everyone that the launch had been shifted to the evening of that day.
Although, it came on very short notice and a lot of people would’ve declined, but since it was Pulse-Wave, they couldn’t
think about it.
The launch happened as planned and was successful. Their stock prices skyrocketed.
Kage was beyond pleased.
The day after, Pulse-Wave did theirs, and just as Kage had suspected, they were launching something very similar to theirs.
15-01 Wed, Oct 9
Chapter 53
It was a new device with very similar unique features to Fluxpoint’s. If they’d launched before Kage, it’d have been a big blow.
Instead now, people backlashed Pulse-Wave for stealing Fluxpoint’s ideas.
Kage was beyond happy that day. When he returned home, he knocked on Sylvie’s door. Hell, he couldn’t keep it to himself.
She opened up, wearing a sweatshirt. Her hair was parked into a messy bun, she she looked like she’d been sleeping.
“Do you need something” She was still keeping a straight face.
Kage ignored it. “It worked,” he couldn’t help smiling. “Your genius plan, it saved my company
She crossed her arms. “Well, congrats, then. What can I s
You deserve it.” She turned to leave.
“Could we go out? Have a drink or two? Non-alcohol, of course.”
She turned back to him. “Why? So people would think we’re sleeping together? You know, you seem to be of the opinion.
that Fm…
“Can we pur that past us, Sylvie? Please?” He closed his eyes, sighing. “I already apologized for what I said. What else do you
She looked away,
Are you
in to hang out with me? Would be pretty cool if you agreed”
In a few minutes, she was in the backseat of Kage’s BMW, heading to whenever he had in mind.
They got to a fancy restaurant where they ordered different meals and drinks. Sylvie had intended to stay mad at him for a long time, but as she ate and licked her fingers, she couldn’t hold onto the grudges.
“Tell me, Sylvie, what do you want?” Kage suddenly asked, sipping from his c**il. “You helped me and the company. I wouldn’t want it to go unrewarded. You can ask for anything”
She was surprised.
“And don’t even try making silly requests like letting you to leave the house, ’cause that’s not gonna happen.”
She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Well..” she licked her lips, they tasted sweet due to the ice cream she’d been licking. ” don’t even know what to ask for. How about we leave blank One day, I’ll use it.”
Kage gave it a small thought. “Okay.. sounds fair,” he tossed a berry into his mouth. “You do understand, tho, that being owed a favour by Kage is one a million opportunity, right?”
“Oh, please! You can brag when you standing in front of a mirror she rolled her eyes
Kage laughed. Ooh. Sylvie was stunned. It was on very few occasions she’d seen Kage laugh genuinely. Very few.
They continued eating, discussing little unimportant things. Until Sylvie decided to seize the opportunity. Paul’s murder was still unsolved. She’d been following up on the case and so far, the police were yet to find anything. The surveillance cameras didn’t capture any uninvited guest entering or leaving the premises. So, they were thinking the killer must have been one of the guests.
“Did you know Paul very well?’ Her heart skipped a beat as she asked
15:01 Wed, Oct 9 (8)
Chapter 53
What if Kage had something to do with it? Wouldn’t she be endangering herself by asking these questions?


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