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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98
“I said get out of here!” Lana yelled at her sister who attempted, for the third time, to take the bottle from her. “What is wrong with you? Are you forgetting I am older than you? Show me some respect and get out of here!”
“You’re killing yourself!” Mia half-yelled in frustration. “You’ve been drinking for hours now. That much alcohol in your system while you’re pregnant is disastrous!”
“Oh, shut up? Who cares about the stupid baby, anyway?” Lana huffed, drinking from the bottle again.
Mia shook her head, her anger surpassing the pity she was supposed to feel for her.
“It’s quite sad, you know?” She grabbed her phone from the table. “Few months ago, you used to be so beautiful – so full of life. I always looked up to you ’cause I was sure you’d be great. But now,” she shook her head. “I can’t even recognize you.” Lana’s grip on the bottle grew tighter as she drank from it again. She didn’t look at Mia until she heard the door slam shut.
She eventually passed out on the bed and woke up hours later with a heaviness in her head. It was expected, considering how much she’s drank. But aside the pounding in her head, she felt a growling hunger.
“Tana!” She tried calling out, but her voice came out strained.
The maid couldn’t possibly hear her from downstairs.
Her eyes heavy, she moved her hands around the bed, searching for her phone. She groaned in frustration when she couldn’t find it.
“Tana…” She called again, but with that voice, only a person outside her door could hear her.
She forced herself from the bed, dragging her legs to the door. Her vision was blurry, her head ached seriously. But she couldn’t think clearly to come up with another way to reach the maid.
She made her way out of the room, her steps slow and staggering.
‘You should go back inside, a voice whispered in her head.
But she needed food. She needed to find Tana.
were halfly closed as she struggled to walk. By the time she reached the staircase, she was unaware and took the first step that swept her off her feet

A scream escaped her throat as she fell completely, and all she remembered was the realization of her rolling down the stairs.
Sylvie was waiting in the living room when Kage entered. It wasn’t closing hours yet, but she had texted him earlier, asking if he could get home on time.
Her nerves climbed up to her throat as he made his
into the house.
“Hey,” he put a hand around her waist, pecking her forehead. His eyes were filled with so much concern. “Is everything okay? Did you need something?”
Sylvie’s heart throbbed with pain, the idea of what she was about to do tormenting her.
10:26 Mon, Oct 21GB.
Chapter 98
She loved this man and wanted to spend forever with him. Was it too much to ask?
“I’m glad you came.” She tried to smile but couldn’t. The heaviness in her heart couldn’t even let her offer a pretentious
Kage furrowed his brows. “You look troubled.” He stroke her hair gently. “Did Meredith call? Is something wrong with the-
“No, no. They’re fine.” She dropped her gaze, shaking her head. “I just… There’s something I must tell you.”
Kage led her to the couch, sitting next to her while holding her hands.
Sylvie felt so guilty. She didn’t deserve to be loved this way by him, not when she’d brought him so much pain.
‘Have you ever imagined what he’d do to you if he ever gets to know? How much he’d ruin your life, just as much as it ruine his back then?’ Lancelot’s words made her heart race.
‘I can’t believe you haven’t told him after all these years.
‘Of course, how can you tell him? When he’ll never forgive you? When he’ll ruin you?’
She gasped from the force of Kage shaking her. Only then she did realize he’d been calling her for sometime.
Her eyes were teary as she looked into his.
“What is wrong with you!?” His face was twisted into a frown now.
God, how does she tell him this?
‘It’s for the best, Sylvie, she mentally prepared herself for it.
Just then, his phone rang, interrupting the process.
It was on the couch between them, and Sylvie was able to see it was Tana calling.
“You should take that.” There was a slight tremor in her voice.
“I will when we’re done. Now, talk to me.”
When the call ended, Tana called again.
Sylvie shook her head. “It must be important. The maid doesn’t call you unless there’s an emergency, right?”
Kage growled low in the throat. “Can you just ignore her and-”
“We have all the time, Kage. Just speak to her. Please.”
She needed the distraction to catch her breath. The air felt suffocating. Perhaps, by the time he’d be done with the call, she’d be ready for him.
Reluctantly, Kage picked the phone. “Yes? What is it?”
Sylvie’s heart skipped when she saw shock shadow his face. His grip on the phone grew firmer. “How did it happen?”
Five minutes later, she and Kage were headed to the hospital. According to Tana, Lana had fallen down the stairs and had been rushed to an hospital. But she feared something might go wrong as Lana had been bleeding.
10:26 Mon, Oct 21 BG.
Chapter 98
Reaching the hospital, Sylvie suggested waiting in the car, knowing it might get ugly if Lana’s family set eyes on her. Kage didn’t argue and went off.
He asked for directions and soon reached the hallway leading to Lana’s room. Her mother and some family members were gathered outside, their faces heavy with sorrow.
His heart sank in that moment. He didn’t need to hear it.
“What’re you doing here!?” Rebecca snapped, her eyes glaring daggers at him. “Have you come to see the damage you’ve made? The mess you’ve made of my daughter?”
Kage stopped in his tracks, his expression cold though his heart ached.
“The baby is gone!” She yelled. “Are you and your miserable brother happy now? It’s gone, and you should be too! You never really liked Lana, and I’m sure you’re the happiest knowing the only thing that bonded you two is gone. So, go!”
One of the women around held her in a comforting hug. Kage offered no words as he stared at the woman.
Although he had been mad at Lana, but the child might have been his. The loss wounded him more than anyone imagined.


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