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Reckless Marriage Unyielding Love novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 

Carlos confessed his love so boldly that Mikayla’s heart fluttered 

Suddenly, her phone rang. She picked it up. Mikayla, you found a gem!Juliet exclaimed. I thought someone like Carlos didn’t know about love. But he’s so direct in going after you!” 

Mikayla smiled and said. “I didn’t expect it either

What a dominant CEO! I envy you! Where are you? Want to go shopping?asked Juliet

Tm on my way to work at the Salvatore Group, Mikayla replied

How boring. The eldest daughter of the Salvatore family has to work?Juliet teased

Seeing the familiar skyscrapers outside the car window, Mikayla said, Juliet, I’ve got to go. Pick me up at Salvatore Group after work.” 

As the call ended, the car had already pulled up in front of the building. Before getting off, Mikayla said to Josiah, “You don’t have to wait for me after work. Find yourself some entertainment and don’t get sick out of boredom.” 

Looking at her delicate back, Josiah thought about her words, confused

The Salvatore family was one of the few old, prestigious families in Xosa. Its company was located downtown. Looking up at the gilded Salvatore Group sign, Mikayla made up her mind to help Jorge protect their legacy

Stepping into the building, she was greeted by Jorge’s personal secretary, Quinnlyn Griffiths, who wore a black suit, looking sharp and efficient. Quinnlyn smiled and greeted her respectfully, Ms. Salvatore! This way, please!” 

Mikayla thought, Looks like Dad has informed them.She then followed Quinnlyn up to the 24th floor. Mikayla had visited the company with Jorge before. Last night, she also asked her dad for some company info and stayed up all night reading it. so she had a decent understanding. Salvatore Group’s best venture in recent years had been laptop manufacturing. She was optimistic about that sector and knew it had potential from her studies abroad


Come in!Jorge answered

Mikayla opened the door and saw Jorge working on the compam’s affairs. She used to wait for him to get off work in his office but never really paid attention to it. The huge office was meticulously organized, giving off a sense of authority

Seeing her, Jorge put down his pen. His brows relaxed, and he smiled. You’re here! Have a seat 

Mr. Salvatore, I want to apply for the director of the marketing department,” Mikayla said directly, pulling the leather chair opposite Jorge and sitting down. She had looked into the company’s vacancies last night, and this was what she wanted 

Hearing his daughter call him that, Jorge’s gentle expression turned serious. Do you know what the director of the marketing department does?He had initially thought of giving her an easier position when he agreed to let her work at the company. But now… 

I know,Mikayla replied 

To others, including her parents, she seemed like a delicate young lady who had everything handed to her. But what they didn’t know was that to become Jaxon’s ideal wife, she had learned etiquette, instruments, languages, and also studied finance and business management by herself. She wanted to be someone who could support his career one day. Unexpectedly, those skills came in handy today


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