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Reckless Marriage Unyielding Love novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

Huxley had been bottling up frustration all day and had nowhere to vent. He asked Winona for Jason’s phone number and asked to meet at Lesoville Private Winery after work. This private winery was Jaxon’s property, named after his and Mikayla’s last name, symbolizing his love for Mikayla

Jaxon pulled out a bottle of red wine he had been saving and sat opposite Huxley. What’s wrong! You look pretty down” 

Huxley hesitated, debating whether to open up to Jaxon. He thought about the people around him but couldn’t think of anyone else to talk to. Jaxon Huxley slowly opened up, recounting everything that happened at the company

Jaxon swirled his wine and listened. He didn’t think highly of the hotheaded Huxley, but Hugo had told him to keep Huxley close for future benefits. In the business world, there were no eternal friends or enemies

That is indeed too much. Salvatore Group will be yours someday, but Jorge is making you start as a lowlevel employee,Jaxon commented. Hearing this, Huxley angrily gulped down his wine like it was water. Jaxon, what position did you start with when you joined your company?asked

Jaxon was slightly annoyed seeing Huxley empty his glass. He wouldn’t have offered his good wine so freely if he’d known

I started as a managerjaxon had studied financial management in school and had Hugo’s support when he returned. Although Hugo was ambitious, he only had one son who pursued business. Brantley was no threat to him in this regard

No wonder. It’s all because I’m not Uncle Jorge’s child,” Huxley said

Jaxon poured another generous glass of wine for Huxley. Is Jorge planning to let Mikayla inherit the company?” 

Huxley dismissed the idea outright. No way! In our family, the eldest son and males are always prioritized.” 

But didn’t Jorge take the inheritance from your father?Jaxon asked again

Hit by the truth, Huxley’s expression changed 

Jaxon smirked slightly, deciding to stop. I don’t think Jorge would do that. After all, you’re family. Just do your best working under Mikayla for 


The more Jaxon said, the more conflicted Huxley felt. He ended up drinking a few more glasses without realizing it. He just got out of society and didn’t know his limits. He was already in his bed when he was a little sober 

Mildred, who had been taking care of Huxley, saw him reaching for water and immediately went to get some. She doted on him and would do anything for him

Huxley took a sip of water to case the discomfort in his throat. He looked at the worried Mildred and asked, Mom, do you think Uncle Jorge will hand over Salvatore Group to MikaylatHe was genuinely worried. He had been told all his life that Salvatore Group was his and that he would be its sole heir. If that changed, he didn’t know what he would do 

ng his insecurity, Mildred held his hand and comforted him, No, he won’t do that” 


But Uncle Jorge pushed Dad aside, right?Huxley turned over

If he doesn’t follow the Salvatore family’s rules, we’ll find a way to take back what’s rightfully ours,Mildred said, her eyes flashing with determination. They had done it once before and weren’t afraid to do it again

The night grew deeper, and the fog thickened

The next day, Juliet woke up and immediately began selecting an outfit suitable for visiting the Lindstrom residence. Then, she went to the spa center for a fullbody treatment. After confirming everything was perfect, she headed early to a cafe near the government building to wait for Brantley to get off work. Although she felt like it was too early to meet Brantley’s parents, since Brantley was willing to give their relationship a chance, she was ready to follow his lead. 

After receiving a call from Brantley, she immediately paid the bill and went downstairs

Brantley, I’m a little nervous. What should I do? Juliet said, taking a deep breath as she sat in the car

It’s just a meeting. No need to be nervous,” Brantley replied, keeping his eyes on the road

Juliet glanced at his profile and then at the gifts in the back seat. She wasn’t worried about the gifts, Mikayla often visited the Lindstrom family last time and knew what they liked, She pulled out her phone to browse the entertainment news, hoping to relax


Chapter 51 

Brantley drove steadily, and soon, they arrived at the Lindstrom residence, which was opulently decorated with expensive imported goods. Although Juliet wasn’t a fan of such ostentatious decor, she kept her opinions to herself. Currently, only Hugo and his wife Queenie lived there. Jason and Winona had moved to a new mansion but renumed to the Lindstrom residence occasionally

At this time, only Hugo, Queenie, Brantley, and Juliet were in the living room. Hugo and Queenie didn’t show any particular reaction to the gifts Juliet brought, neither liking nor disliking them

Mikayla hadn’t told Julliet much about the Lindstrom family’s personalities, fearing it might make her more nervous. She believed Juliet’s natural sociability would help her fit in better

Juliet had previously focused solely on Brantley and hadn’t taken the time to learn about the Lindstrom family. She hadn’t expected to be brought to meet them so soon, especially given the strained relationship between Brantley and Hugo

Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrom.Juliet greeted politely. 

Hmm. How’s your father doing recently?” Hugo glanced at Juliet

He’s in good health, Juliet replied


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