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Reckless Marriage Unyielding Love novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53 

Deidre had hoped to make Mikayla jealous, but she didn’t expect the latter to act as Carlosfuture wife. She only learned they had set a wedding date when she arrived at the Ludwig mansion carlier. However, Mikayla didn’t know Carlos true sinuation, which made Deidre feel somewhat superior

Ladies, dinner is ready, a servant announced and wheeled Natasha away 

I’ll go change my clothes firstNatasha said to Mikayla and Deidre 

In the backyard, only Mikayla and Deidre remained

Mikayla had a breathtakingly beautiful face and smooth skin. Under her white jacket, her skin looked even more luminous, and her bright eyes sparkled like stars. From the moment Deidre saw her, she thought Mikayla was flawlessly beautiful. Every move she made exuded an inherent grace and elegance that couldn’t be imitated

Mikayla, how much do you know about Carlos?Deidre asked 

What are you trying to say?Mikayla replied

No one knows him better than I do. I’ve been with him longer than you can imagine Deidre looked down at Mikayla. Sure, Salvatore Group might be the richest in Nosa, but compared to the Taillon family in Druobridge, you’re nothing. Only I can help him!” 

Mikayla withdrew her gaze. You and Carlos are the past. You have been with him for so long yet he didn’t accept you but me. She started to walk away, adding in a calm tone. Til try to understand him more in the future.” 

Deidre watched her go, her eyes darkening. As they passed each other, she said. Mikayla, you’re not worthy of him!

Jaxon knocked on the study’s door

Why are you here?” Hugo asked, clearly displeased. Knowing the poor relationship between the brothers, he had no intention of letting Brantley and Jaxon meet each other. Therefore, when Juliet came over, he didn’t inform Jaxon and Winona. Moreover, he didn’t want Jaxon to know about his ordeal with Brantley

Huxley came to me last night,” Jaxon said. Queenie had informed Javon that Hugo had met with Brantley privately and that Brantley brought Juliet to see him today. Queenie also mentioned that Brantley was dating Juliet

He was reminded of Hugo’s actions when he dated Mikayla before, However, he was curious as to why, after all these years of pursuing Brantley, Juliet had never managed to capture his heart, until now. He didn’t believe that love resided in Brantley’s heart. The latter was much deeper in thought than he was. Of course, when Brantley chose to work in the Municipal Government, they had no conflict of interest, but Hugo’s recent action was unfathomable to him

Oh?Hugo’s interest was piqued

Huxley seems unhappy with the position Jorge has given him, and now he’s directly under Mikayla’s department, Jaxon explained

Hugo motioned for Jaxon to sit. Jorge is a man of integrity, but what’s that worth? Logan won’t appreciate his efforts, it’ll only make things messier in the endHugo sneered Just keep Huxley content for now. It’s better to let them struggle; we can benefit from their chaos” 

Okay, I know what to do Jaxon agreed

How’s Mikayla?Hugo asked

I heard that her assistant, Maxius, went to negotiate with several manufacturers. These are the ones he visited Jaxon handed over a document

Hugo flipped through it, then paused at a familiar name. Contact this one. I remember a distant relative of the Lindstrom family works there as a deputy director 

Dad, what do you mean?” Jaxon asked

Mikayla can’t stay in the Salvatore Group, Hugo said firmly

Be good to Winona. You and Mikayla are done. Winona will be useful to you in the future. Remember, don’t clash with Carlos unless you have to,Hugo emphasized

By the time Mikayla got back from the Ludwig mansion, it was already dark. After freshening up, she put on the pajamas she bought yesterday

applied a face mask, and sat in front of her computer to organize tomorrow’s work before bed

Seeing it was already II p.m., she yawned, feeling sleepy as she relaxed. Suddenly, her phone rang 

Hello?She didn’t expect Carlos to call her so late, and her heart fluttered

Come outside, came the low voice

HuhFor a moment, she couldn’t react

I’m outside your house, Carlos said

with a special ringtone

Outside? Mikayla quickly pulled open the curtains and saw a black Ford outside with its high beams flashing. After hanging up, she grabbed a coat, threw it over her pajamas, slipped on her slippers, and ran outside, her hair fluttering 


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