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Resurrection novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Betrayal

Chris was shouting behind me telling that it was not safe but I didn't cared

I reached the lake and saw him sitting there staring at the lake

His white shirt had blotches of blood and I got scared

I ran towards him and scanned him to see if he was injured

His eyes didn't left the lake and for a second I thought he was not alive

"Xavier!! Xav!!"

I shouted and his eyes shifted to mine

His stare was so cold and emotionless that I couldn't look into them

"A..are ....y...ou...alright?"

He didn't replied

In the deadly silence of this forest his silence was killing me

But then when I thought he wouldn't say anything he said

"17 years back at this very place a similar blood massacre happened...

Throne was overthrown in front of my eyes...innocents were killed in front of my eyes but I couldn't do much...

Dad said this world lives on survival of the fittest and to win someone has to sacrifice...

I saw a lot of sacrifices that day..

But here at this place I saw a girl......

A girl for whom I was willing to sacrifice myself

She looked like an angel ....

An angel who was sitting in hell....

She was covered in blood

Her eyes swollen with tears and her voice shaky with fear

Those moistened  eyes made me rethink if she also needs to be sacrificed for peace.

I wanted to protect her and I did..

No one knows this.....

Everyone thought that day no one survived but she did....

She was angel after all how could I let her die in hell...

I don't know who she was or what her name was....

I just knew one thing that she was rare...

So rare that she had to be preserved..

There was a thunder mark near her heart and it showed who she was....

It showed that she was actually rare

Born with the power of thunder she was the Queen's daughter or should I say...The true princess

I saved her that day ....I wanted to save her from all harm in this world...but she left..

She vanished in thin air with no trace to be followed

I searched for her for many years but there was no sign of her

Today my position is similar to her..

I am sitting at the same place she sat

Going through the same emotional pain she went through.....


What was my fault....??

My Dad....Dad was the only family ..I had..and now he is ....gone.......

I loved him ...sooo much...

He was my everything and now I lost him....

I saved that girl....so why is ...this happening to me!!!"

Next I know he lost control of himself and punched the bark of the tree.

He continued to hit it and his knuckles were turning red from blood

"Xav...please!!! Control yourself....!!"


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