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Resurrection novel Chapter 14

Chapter 24: Leave!


I should turn back I thought as I saw fog clouds ahead of me

It's been an hours journey out of the pack grounds already.

As I turned around to leave my eyes were met with two sparking brown eyes.

I was shocked for a second but I managed to recover.

An average looking warewolf stood in front of me with a dull brown coat.

He sensed average and I felt a little less afraid.

He started taking steps towards me and I prepared to attack but I don't know why his eyes were showing me that he didn't meant any harm.

But then suddenly he speeded up and jumped in the air towards me

Unprepared I was only able to close my eyes

Next I know instead of attacking me he attacked something behind me

When I turned around I saw him snapping the neck of that wolf.

Next he turned around to look at me and I couldn't find words to thank him

He then he did something I only saw people do to my dad

He bowed

"Your highness it's been so hard to find you "

His words left me scared

Yes scared because I never thought someone would come to know about this.

He had a genuine smile on his face as he looked into my blue eyes.

"H....h...ow.....   do ...y...ou......know?"

I managed to ask afraid of him

I was afraid because he knew something I spend my entire life hinding...he had a leverage on me regarding this.

"I am Marcus Maam ,but that's quite ir relevant the thing that matters is your position.....you have the bloodline of Royal blood...and I hate to admit it but you are also the last one having it....

I am a leader of rogue groups ,the same groups which are against the thought of having someone else other than you as our leader....we want you to take your fathers place......"

There was silence

I can't believe this.....

"I don't trust you....prove me your loyalty..."

He picked his sword and handed it over to me

"Kill me and I won't even flinch because dying in your hands will be an honour your highness..."

With this he placed the tip of the sword on his neck urging me to go forward.

I lifted the sword up and aimed at his chest ...

I only wanted to test him...

My sword was centimetres away from his skin and he didn't even flinch or tried to protect himself

My sword unintentionally slicked pass his skin and a line of blood could be seen flowing from it.

But his face still remained the same.

"This is just a small example of my loyalt towards you ma'am with time you will see the true extent of it"

His words made me smile and I placed my hands on his shoulder and said


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