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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 108


Chapter 108 


A bright voice echoed from not so far away 

Seth slightly tilted his head, and the corridor light traced a curve in his pupils

A woman naturally hooked her arm through Seth’s, giving Kane a polite greeting 

Mr. Ziems.” 

Kane nodded

Danielle, Seth’s darling, was so pampered by Seth that the entire P City knew about it

He spoiled her into a haughty princess of the entertainment industry

But he really didn’t get it 

Seth spoiled Danielle into such a lofty woman, what’s the difference between her and that woman three years ago

Kane looked Danielle up and down, and his gaze was deep and meaningful 

Done with work?” 

Seth’s laidback voice was low, with no ups and downs, but those who knew him knew that it was gentle enough 

Yep, big productions are different, next up is setting up the scene, the opening ceremony probably won’t be until next year

Seth’s eyes slightly squinted

Next year… 

Let’s go.” 


Danielle said goodbye to Kane, hooked on Seth’s arm, and slowly walked away

Kane touched his nose, He’s actually waiting for a woman!” 

The next morning 

Chloe opened her eyes, feeling a bit disoriented after waking up in an unfamiliar room

Her head was still a bit heavy, so she lay in bed for a while

She remembered all the things she should and shouldn’t forget

The day was already bright outside, Chloe got out of bed and went into the bathroom

She didn’t shower when she got back last night, she felt a bit better today, so she turned on the shower and took a bath

As she came out of the bathroom to dry her hair, she passed by the sink and unconsciously glanced at the mirror, which clearly reflected her figure

She stopped in her tracks, looking at herself in the mirror, the fiery mark on her collarbone was too conspicuous

Everything from last night flashed clearly through her mind like a highdefinition movie

She pulled up the collar of her nightgown, didn’t even dry her hair, and left the room with a blushing face

Downstairs, the servants were silently busy with their own tasks

On seeing Chloe come downstairs, Marina walked over

“Miss Chloe, is your cold better?” 

Chloe subconsciously sniffed, feeling a bit runny

Much better.” 

Well, Miss Chloe, why don’t you have breakfast first?” 

Okay. Thanks, Marina” 

She sat down in the dining room for a simple Western breakfast


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