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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 

Marina sighed softly, Miss Chloe, you eat first. I’m going to check on the master.” 

Chloe took a couple of sips of her porridge, watching Marina’s figure. She picked up a napkin and wiped her mouth, lost in thought


Chloe got up, calling out to Marina

Miss Chloe?” 

Chloe walked over to Marina, pointing to the tray in her hands

Let me help you take it up.” 

Marina looked at Chloe, noticing a slightly smile on her face 

That would be great, Miss Chloe.” 

Chloe took the tray from her

It carried a bowl of plain white porridge and two bottles of medicine

Such a simple breakfast

Could a big guy like him really survive on so little food at each meal

She knocked on Damon’s bedroom door, and a deep male voice responded from inside

She pushed the door open and entered. Damon wasn’t lying in bed

Instead, he was dressed in casual clothes, a contrast to his usual suits

At that moment, he was sitting on a balcony chair and reviewing documents

Damon didn’t look up. He assumed it was one of the servants, but after a couple of seconds, he lifted his head

Chloe’s heart skipped a beat, her hands tightened on the tray, and her feet felt glued to the floor. He closed the document, looked up, and met her gaze

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief, walking slowly towards him

I heard you’re sick.” 

She put the tray on the table next to him

The fresh scent from her shower gradually filled the air. Damon squinted; his gaze dropped to her neckline

The mark he left last night was still there

He looked up at her with a faint smile in his eyes, just as Chloe rose

Her long hair brushed against the back of his hand

Damon put the documents on the table and grabbed Chloe’s wrist

Chloe was startled, but found herself being pulled into his arms

His familiar scent enveloped her

She had to look up at him due to their height difference, and her gaze reaching his chin when he placed his palm on top of her head

Did you shower?” 

Chloe’s heart trembled slightly


Feeling better?” 


Damon didn’t say anything else, leading her to the bed


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