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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 134


Chapter 134 

Damon is the star of the show tonight, so naturally he’s got some stuff to prep for 

And also, he’s left some friends hanging downstairs waiting for him…. 

After Chloe gave him a nod, he flashed a satisfied grin before turning to leave

Once Damon was out of sight, Rose Davis made a beeline for Chloe, handing her a glass of champagne 

Look at you, Chloe, where’d you find such a catch? You’re really stealing the show tonight 

Chloe retreated to the sides, making room for the dancers 

Actually we just met by chance

She bumped into Damon at the hospital and who would’ve thought that in just a few days, things had escalated to this point 

No way it’s that simple! Rose Davis exclaimed, scrutinizing Chloe’s helpless face before pulling her aside

Although I might’ve been a bit dramatic before, I wasn’t entirely wrong. Just seeing Keira and Lance tonight makes me wanna slap them both! You’ve broken up with Lance, yet they keep rubbing it in. And they’re still planning on getting engaged, married

Chloe, if you can, settle down as soon as possible. Not just to get back at them, but also for you to shift your focus away from them” 

I reckon that rich guy from before isn’t that bad, he seems really into you 

Chloe looked up at her, We’ve only known each other for a few days, and you just met him? How how can you tell he likes me?” 

Rose Davis sighed, The way he looks at you is different from others, he’s protective of you, he wants to be close to you, and most importantly, he smiles whenever he sees you… 


Yeah, if someone smiles every time he sees you, he’s either an idiot or be in love with you.” 

Chloe fell silent… 

Someone who smiles every time he sees you, is either an idiot, or in love with you…. 


That’s still a long way off

Lost in thought, a familiar voice interrupted her


Chloe grimaced in annoyance

Keira and Lance had made their way over to her

Keira, can you just give it a rest?” 

Rose Davis rolled her eyes, Keira and Lance were just unbearable

II just wanted to say hi to Chloe.” 

Keira bit her lip, looking innocent and aggrieved



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