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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 135


Chapter 135 

Chloe’s words made Keira’s face turn pale instantly, her lips clenched

Chloe, I’m telling you the truth, you look really gorgeous today, everyone thinks so.” 

Chloe smirked

“Chloe, Keira didn’t mean any harm, she wasn’t lying, you do look stunning today.” 

Chloe slowly looked up, her icy gaze flickered over Lance

That ruthless gaze made Lance’s heart sink

I know whether she means harm or not, you think she doesn’tgood for you. Whether she’s telling the truth or not, I don’t care, if you believe it… that’s all that matters to you. Whether I’m ugly or beautiful today, neither she nor you have the right to judge.” 

Chloe’s words seemed to leave room for interpretation, but were actually filled with ruthless mockery

Keira took a deep breath, then took a glass of red wine from a nearby water and walked up to Chloe

Anyway, your billiondollar opening dance tonight was indeed stunning, definitely worth celebrating Cheers, sist 

Chloe looked at the wine glass extended in front of her, a cold smile on her lips

She looked up at Lance and saw that he was looking at her with eager anticipation

Then, Chloe nodded, picked up her own wine glass, and slowly extended it towards Keira

Clink-a sound of glass rubbing against each other

Keira’s wine glass tilted slightly as Chloe’s glass neared, spilling directly onto Chloe’s dress

Chloe, watch out!” 

Rose Davis immediately noticed Keira’s action and shouted

Chloe just scoffed, raised her other hand and smackit on Keira’s hand, causing the wine spilled towards Chloe to fall on the other side

The glass flew more than a meter away and shattered

The rich red liquid spilled on the bright tiles, as red as blood

Everyone turned their heads to look over here

Keira held her hand that was smacked by Chloe, biting her lip, looking at Chloe with a weak and aggrieved face

Chloe, you” 

How could you do this? Why did you hit me? And why did you knock my wine glass to the ground? I really just wanted to celebrate for you, why are you always like this to me? I’m really so sad, so upset!Keira, I can recite all these routine lines of yours by heart.” 


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