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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 136


Chapter 136 

Chloe was hogging the limelight again, leaving Keira in the cold, looking mournfully at her

Today, you didn’t spill the drink on me, but what if you did? You’d probably say it was unintentional. Then you’d wait for me to blow my top, blame you and thenwell, just like you’re doing now, looking all tearyeyed and pitiful, like you’ve done something wrong but it wasn’t on purposeAfterward, there will always be someone who’ll take your side, feel sorry for you, berate me for being ruthless and bullying you all the time” 

As Chloe spoke, she looked at Lance. His face stiffened, and he looked down at Keira, his expression complex

Keira’s face turned even paler as Chloe laid out all possible scenarios. More and more onlookers gathered, including Lance, none of whom wanted to be the fool whod stand up for her as described by Chloe

Keira could even feel Lance’s attitude changing, his gaze now filled with suspicion

She bit her lip, looking sadly at the drink in Chloe’s hand, then suddenly lunged forward, trying to grab Chloe

Chloe, believe meI didn’t do it on purpose” 

But Chloe effortlessly dodged her, then suddenly lifted her glass, splashing its contents all over Keira’s face with a loud smack

Keira was caught off guard, Chloe’s forceful splash hitting her like a slap in the face

Oh my God-” 

Gasps filled the room. No one saw this coming from the previously calm Chloe

Keira’s eyes stung from the alcohol, and she was shaking uncontrollably

Your favorite trick! You’re trying to make me spill my drink on you on purpose, then play the victim to make it look like I’m bullying you, right? Don’t bother, I’ll do it myself! If I’m going to do something bad, I won’t hide it!Chloe said

Such a scene in public was rather disgraceful

Keira’s lightcolored dress was soaked, her elegant hair disheveled by the alcohol, and her makeup smeared. Her eyelashes fluttered, and her face was as pale as paper

Lance finally couldn’t stand by anymore

Chloe, you” 

With a harsh sound of breaking glass, the glass in Chloe’s hand shattered at Lance’s feet

Lance halted in his tracks, looking up at Chloe’s icy face

What do you want to say?!” 

Chloe’s frosty gaze and assertive tone left Lance speechless

Seeing Lance’s lack of action, Chloe averted her eyes, glanced at Rose Davis by her side, and said softly: I need to use the ladiesroom.” 

Rose Davis smiled and asked, Want me to accompany you?” 


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