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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 157


Chapter 157 

Chloe glanced at him and gave a little smile, but didn’t say anything

Damon walked into the cloakroom, casually looked around, and then picked out an outfit

Wear this.” 

Okay.Chloe took the clothes without hesitation and went to change

Soon after, Chloe came out, all dressed and ready to go

A dark blue long blazer and cropped pants, looking powerful, fresh, and sharp

Chloe really appreciated Damon’s taste in clothes. He always picked the best outfits for her, so she didn’t have to try too hard to fit into a style that wasn’t her own

A perfect outfit can make you feel so confident

Your tasteis really amazing She didn’t hold back on praising him

Damon saw her confidence and couldn’t help but smile

Yes, that’s why I chose you.” 

Chloe nodded, Have you had breakfast yet?” 


It’s still early. Let me make some toast.” 


They had breakfast together and walked downstairs side by side

Nate watched them from a distance

He looked distinguished, and she looked capable

What a perfect match

Damon dropped Chloe off at her company. Just as she was about to get out of the car, he suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her back

What’s up?” 

Damon leaned in and gently kissed her lips, then again

Over and over, as if he couldn’t bear to let her go

Chloe was a bit puzzled by the kisses

What’s wrong?” 

Damon rested his forehead against hers, softly stroking her cheek. His voice was deep and charming, but with a touch of melancholy

“I have to go on a business trip.” 

Chloe was taken aback, Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” 

I didn’t want to mention it, and I don’t want to talk about it now.Damon held Chloe tightly, leaning his forehead against hers, as if he didn’t want to let go

Nobody would want to bring up upsetting topics, and Chloe understood that

Where are you going and how long will you be gone?” 

The U Country, probably for a week.” 

Chloe fell silent

Her heart began to feel heavy. She was reluctant

She could clearly sense the intensity of her emotions

She had never felt this way before

During her eight years with Lance, they often traveled but she never felt such strong reluctance

And within just a few days, she couldn’t even believe how deeply dependent she had become on this man

ThenI’ll wait for you to come back.” 

Her voice was gentle, its impact indescribable


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