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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 158



Chapter 158 

After Damon sent a text saying he had boarded his flight around 9 o’clock, Chloe’s mood got even worse

Rose Davis was super busy all day, either socializing or working her butt off in the office

Chloe, wearing a white lab coat, was conducting experiments for new products in the R&D lab over and over again

Before lunchtime, she stepped out of the lab, and as soon as she entered the office, Rose Davis burst in 

Come on, Chloe, let’s go grab that lunch we missed yesterday” 

Her words came out like rapid gunfire, leaving no room for hesitation

Why are you making such a big deal about just one lunch?” 

We gotta eat even if we’re swamped. I’m not a robot, you know. There’s a new restaurant that just opened up, so let’s give it a try” 

Rose Davis chatted with Chloe while driving 

It’s been ages since we hung out, but even working in the same company, we can only see each other a few times a day It really sucks.. 

She let out a frustrated sigh

Chloe’s heart sank 

Yeah, we’ve grown up, we have responsibilities, and we’re at the age where we need to support ourselves” 

RightOh, I just remembered, Summit Ridge High School’s centennial celebration is coming up soon. Let’s go together. It’s been so long since we’ve seen everyone. Let’s see how they doing! I wonder if my high school crush has changed!” 

Chloe smiled faintly, thinking about how subtly Rose had put it… 

Summit Ridge High School… 

Everyone knows that Summit Ridge University in P City is a highly distinguished institution in the country

With its unique education system, strong faculty, and comprehensive and authoritative disciplines, it’s the top choice for many prestigious families

The centennial celebration of Summit Ridge High School would definitely bring them to meet many of their Summit Ridge University classmates 

Rose Davis was deliberately avoiding the subject, but there was no way Chloe couldn’t hear it

Chloe fell silent for a while, and Rose Davis glanced at her with a frown

Chloe, we both grew up in P City, and all our friends are from that school. And you haven’t really done anything wrong, so there’s nothing to run away from!” 

No, I’ll think about it.” 

There’s no need to think about it” 

Rose Davis muttered, making Chloe laugh, Speaking of your crushRose, are you talking aboutMorrison?” 

Rose Davis didn’t say anything

He’s in the R City, right? Will he come?” 

He definitely will! There will be a lot of people at the celebration who are otherwise impossible to see!” 

The restaurant had just opened and was wellpromoted, so it was quite crowded

Rose Davis had a reservation, and the two went straight to their spot

But not long after they started eating, a slender figure appeared next to them


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