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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 159

Chapter 159 

Chloe’s face suddenly darkened

With you guys looking after the company, I don’t need to be all freaked out about it. So if there’s no more business, get out of my sight, will ya?” 

Keira was raging inside, but she had to suck it up

Sis, I really hope you could come along After all, we’re family” 

Did you come here today just to get on my nerves?” 

Fork slammed onto the table, Chloe’s anger drew glances from all around the restaurant

Keira was trembling slightly, moving closer to Lance 

Lance immediately stepped in front of Keira, shielding her behind him

He didn’t say a word, but the look in his eyes made Chloe feel sick

The way he looked at Keira was as if she was some innocent lamb, and Chloe felt like she was being pegged as the wicked witch

Keira, let’s go.” 

Lance knew Chloe was still pissed. Staying around would only make things worse, not better

Keira eyed Chloe’s fancy yet unbranded outfit, and when Lance’s gaze shifted, she reached out to knock over the teacup in front of Chloe

But a hand shot out from across the table, snatching the teacup away just in time. Almost simultaneously, Chloe had grabbed Keira’s wrist

Lance suddenly felt a warm wetness on his leg. Looking down, he saw Rose Davis holding the empty teacup, her face full of shock. Oh my, I didn’t mean to ” 


Lance frowned. Rose Davis wan’t really trying to hide her intention

Suddenly, Rose Davis face darkened. She stood up and said, What? You don’t believe me?She sneered at Chloe, Funny, I thought my act was pretty much like Keira’s, but why are the results so different?” 

Chloe sneered in return. She didn’t say anything, but her grip on Keira’s wrist tightened

Keira turned pale. She felt like her wrist was about to be crushed by Chloe

OuchThe more she struggled, the more it hurt, and the more she struggled, the tighter Chloe’s grip got, until she couldn’t hold back a scream

Hearing this, Lance turned around and his frown deepened, Chloe, what the hell are you doing?!” 

Chloe shot him a sarcastic glance, then slowly picked up another teacup and poured a cup of tea

If you’re thirsty, just say so. This ain’t some holeinthewall joint where they’d let 

Lance suddenly realized that Keira was the one who started the trouble

He glanced at Keira


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