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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 208


Chapter 208 

Chapter 208 

Chloe is my granddaughter. I, Jonah, cannot watch you give Chloe a bad name. Do you know you are damaging the reputation of the Summers family? Is this what you call looking out for the interests of the Summers family?” 

The few people in the room had never seen Jonah so angry, nor had they seen him treat Carolina like this. They were all taken aback by the situation

Carolina’s face turned pale, and her chest heaved with anger. You you.” 

MomMom, calm down. Dad, you too. Let’s all chill out. You haven’t slept all night” 

Viviana walked over to Carolina, and anxiously comforted her 

Jonah’s anger subsided a bit when he saw the exhausted look on Carolina’s face

Keira stood by silently, she looked completely shocked

Carolina’s anger gradually faded, but she still stared at Jonah with a determined and assuring expression

Everyone knows about Chloe’s past behavior. Didn’t she seduce the judges in the piano competition six years ago? Everyone knows that Keira is the best pianist. I kindly tried to advise Chloe not to participate, but she insisted! When her piano skills weren’t adequate, she found other ways to win the competition. Ha! She’s not so innocent anymore, and you’re still worried about her reputation? She’s just trying to cause trouble for me. She’s nothing but a curse!” 

A loud bang followed. Jonah’s cane smashed the cups on the coffee table to pieces

The entire living room fell silent, and

veryone held their breath

Jonah’s eyes were red with anger, and his rage flared up again

His furious and icy gaze swept across the faces of everyone in the room

Eventually, he grunted heavily, You’re getting more confused each day! Is this what you should be saying!? 

I’m not dead yet. I’m still the head of this family. The decisionmaking power for everything lies in my hands. You all better watch yourselves!” 

As soon as Jonah’s words fell, the faces of everyone in the room changed drastically

Keira glanced at Carolina and clenched her fists discreetly

What do you mean by that?Carolina frowned

Whatever you think it means!” 

After he uttered those words, Jonah leaned on his cane and headed toward the back door

Carolina’s face darkened as she ground her teeth, stood up, and watched Jonah’s retreating figure. Where are you going? It’s time for lunch!” 

Jonah neither stopped nor responded

Viviana looked at Keira. The mother and daughter exchanged glances before they turned to Nick


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