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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 209


Chapter 209 

Chapter 209 

Some people turned their heads to look, and Carolina frowned, This isthe new movie star Winston, right? I remember he’s in your new drama, isn’t he?” 

Keira smiled and nodded, “Yeah, he’s super popular now. I heard he has a really bad temper, and nobody dares to talk to him. But I met him abroad last year and briefly chatted with him” 

Carolina nodded, Mhm, he’s quite the badass now. Try to speak to him more. You will probably get along with him well” 

Keira obediently nodded, will” 

But before she finished speaking, she saw the news headline at the bottom of the TV screen, and her smile suddenly faded

Movie Star Winston’s First Visit Back Home Becomes Exclusive Ambassador for Spotlight Beauty!” 

Keira, what’s wrong?Viviana noticed Keira’s sudden unusual behavior

Keira forced a smile and looked a bit uncomfortable

Let’s go. You didn’t eat well last night and must be starving now, right?” 

Viviana was right. She was indeed starving

But now, was she even in the mood to eat

Damn it, why did they have to hold a press conference at noon

Couldn’t they wait until she finished her lunch before they announced it

Keira said, You guys go ahead and eat. I need to go upstairs and make a call.” 

After saying that, Keira ignored Viviana’s persuasion and went straight upstairs

Meanwhile, at the Olson Group, everyone was about to finish their work and go to lunch

But then they saw the same piece of news

These days, the entire company invested a lot of effort in moving into the Harper family’s new mall. They thought success was within reach

Domestically, their only competitor was Spotlight Beauty, a smaller company, so they never saw it as a threat

But the new movie star Winston was endorsing this competitor’s product

At this very moment

The company was recovering from the online incident, and now they were dealt another blow. They suddenly found themselves at a disadvantage. Lance, who had left Chloe and returned to the company, was meeting with the shareholders in the conference room. He was preparing to conclude the meeting

But the TV in the corner of the conference room also started showing the news

There was no sound on the TV, but the shareholders pounded the table in anger one by one

What happened?” 

Lance frowned. He followed their gazes, and his face immediately changed when he saw the news headline

Some shareholders glared at the secretary next to them and yelled, Turn up the volume!” 

The movie star exclusively endorsed the brand, Spotlight Beauty

The words Chloe said to Lance not long ago suddenly echoed in his ears – 

1 am Chloe Summers! I have the power to revive a dying company, and I most certainly can destroy it piece by piece!” 

His face immediately turned grave


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