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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 

Was there a need to be that blunt

You had to say yes even you hadn’t tried the product. Otherwise, who would buy your product

Well, maybe people don’t care

Chloe sat in the office and rubbed her temples in distress after hearing Winston’s words

This guy

Winston paused for a few seconds, then slightly pulled up the corner of his mouth at the camera and continued

But I do appreciate that perfumerI’ve been using her scents for a long time, and I won’t change my mind any time soon.” 

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief


He was teasing her through the camera

Nevertheless, she would remember this favor he was doing for her

Chloe then smiled slightly. With Winston’s words, would Keira be able to tarnish her name at the Olson Group again? Probably not

Unlike Winston, she was nowhere near as popular and didn’t have many fans

If it were before today, Keira might have tried, but after all, they were not in the same circle

Winston had just returned to the country, and she wouldn’t dare try go against him

Chloe raised her eyebrows, threw the pen she had been fiddling with onto the desk. She got up and called Rose for lunch

Why was the news announced at noon

Perhaps she didn’t want certain people enjoying their lunch comfortably

She had to let people know that she wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon

Several shareholdersfaces turned extremely ugly after hearing Winston’s words in the Olson Group’s conference room

Didn’t expect Winston and Ms. Summers to have such a relationship!” 

Now I understand. That person is not the Ms. Summers we all know! Think about it. Someone insisted on removing her just to let their love interest take her place!” 

Now look, what has the company become? Rosanna? I only knew that her scandal yesterday almost killed the company. She’s a big star? Oh, how can we compete with an international movie star?” 

Ms. SummersChloe has both the ability to blend fragrances and now she has important connections!” 

Now this is so great. Chloe’s joined our rival company. We didn’t even care about that small company before, but now they’re making a major comeback with Chloe!” 

Now, what about Keira, hahawhat is she?” 

Lance’s face turned grim, Homer! Watch your words!” 

Homer slammed the table, stood up, and angrily said


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