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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 85


-s lives

Chapter 85 

Chapter 85 

Who the hell was that guy? That was the question she couldn’t stop thinking about

Ever since this afternoon at New World Plaza, she felt the man in the car had a complicated identity

And with tonight’s events, she could sense his powerful aura through the internet

What kind of man had Chloe come into contact with

At this moment, Chen Na, Keira’s assistant for two years, hurried into the office

Keira, we’ve got a problem.” 

Keira turned to look at her, I can see that!” 

Chen Na felt awkward, Not this issue, but the police. They’re not willing to release the people.” 

Keira’s face darkened as she tightly held her phone, looking extremely upset

What do you mean they’re not willing to release them? Haven’t we already coordinated with the police station? Everything went smoothly in the past, why is it difficult this time?!” 

ButChen Na hesitated, but the answer was obvious

Their opponent today was just too powerful

Keira’s eyes were cold, and her heart filled with anger and jealousy

Who on earth had Chloe met? Who was that man who showed up this afternoon? What kind of background did he have to wield such influence

The company had invested a lot of effort and money to maintain good relations with various parties

Her grandmother and father had personally dealt with some sensitive departments always with a smile on their faces

How could the network of relationships built over more than a decade suddenly become so fragile?! 

Keira was shaking with anger, Who was Chloe’s driver tonight? Where is that man now?” 

Chen Na shook her head, I can’t contact with him. I asked the people at the police station, and they all said they didn’t know him. The police station won’t disclose any information, and my investigation attempts have been fruitless.” 

Keira, what should we do now? We can’t let those fans stay there for too long, or things will worsen.” 

They initially thought getting those troublesome fans out of the police station would boost their popularity and make them more loyal to Keira, but things had taken an unexpected turn


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