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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 86


Chapter 86 

Keira couldn’t take it anymore and slammed her phone on the floor

She had just gotten two endorsements overseas this year, and if things kept going like this, she worried she’d lose them too

Just as she was thinking that her agent, Belinda, walked in with a gloomy face

He came to her side, looked at the gathered fans outside the window, and sighed

Thanks to your fans, those two foreign advertisers have opted to terminate the contracts.” 

Keira’s face turned pale

Her first step into the international market was ruined just as she started expanding overseas

Tell them to get lost!” 

In the end, they were causing her more trouble! Were they trying to support her or bring her down?! 

They’re all a bunch of idiots!” 

Keira was so angry that she gritted her teeth. Finally, she sat down on the sofa and forced herself to calm down

First, get those people out of the police station” 

Nina and Belinda exchanged glances and hurriedly left the office

But after a night of effort, the people in the police station still weren’t released. Even Nick Summersintervention didn’t change anything

Those locked up inside thought they would be bailed out quickly, but they were held for an entire night and started to panic

Among them were a few young college students who had helped Keira deal with some trouble before, and after they helped her, she in turn helped them resolve any issues wit any records

So, when they were found by Keira’s assistant again and learned that their idol was being bullied, they didn’t hesitate to help her

It wasn’t the weekend, and they had classes. If they skipped school without a reason and the school found out, their futures would be ruined

They anxiously waited, only for a lawyer in a suit to arrive in the end

They were charged with breaking and entering, attempted murder, intentional destruction of property, illegally obtaining personal information, and picking fights. Just the attempted murder charge alone could result in a sentence of over ten years

What attempted murder? We never planned to kill anyone!” 

After hearing such charges, they were at a loss

But the gentlemanly lawyer just calmly adjusted his glasses and said indifferently, Save it for the court.” 

We didn’t plan to kill anyone!” 


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