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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 861

Chapter 861 

Every decision for any company, every public performance even at a big event like the international Perfume Competition, she never showed a hint of panic. But when she heard the news at noon today that she was going to see her mother in law, she seemed so 


A gentle smile appeared on Damon’s calm face You don’t need to overthink it” 

Chloe was still anxious, Just spill it. I need to prepare and try to make a good impression on her the first time we meel” 

Damon looked at her anxious expression, his eyes full of concen 

Do you know what efficiency is?” 

After waiting for a long time, Chloe only got this seemingly inelevant reply from Damon But he didn’t seem like the kind of person who would answer off topic

Chloe thought for a moment, then answered seriously, Tknow Efficiency refers to the amount of work done in a unit of time. High efficiency means doing more work in the same amount of time, which means saving time for individuals

Damon chuckled. So don’t overthink it First it’s a waste of time, and second, even if you prepare a lot, you might not get a chance to show it.” 

Chloe opened her mouth, completely clueless about what he was saying! After all that all she knew was what efficiency was, not to overthink, and no chance to show

Chloe began to wonder if she had become stupid 

Alright take a break. Weren’t you tired from being outside?Damon gently touched her head and kissed her forehead

Chloe closed her eyes and quietly accepted his gentleness. But at this moment, Damon’s phone that was on the bedside table rang lepicked up the phone and look a look. Chloe leaned on his chest and clearly saw the caller was Wendy. He answered the phone indifferently. Yeah 

Damon Wendy’s elegant voice came from the other end of the phone, My friends are throwing me a welcome party tonight willyou come?” 

Damon didn’t answer night away, and Wendy continued, Bring the missus, it’s a good opportunity for everyone to get together and for her to get a laste.” 

Only the two of them were in the bedroom, it was so quiet that you could clearly hear the voide from the other end of the phone

Damon still didn’t answer night away but tumed his head to look at Chloe, obviously asking her opinion

Chloe naturally nodded her head

Then Damon responded to Wendy, Gotit 

Wendy chuckled. Great, I’ll send you the address later. Oh, and tellyour wife not to worry, it’s just-acasualgeltogether among friends. Yeah.” 

Then he hung up the phone

Chloe smiled, touched by his sincerity and honesty, as she rested her head on his chest. Her heart was filled with waves of emotion.not from sadness, nor from sorrow

She was simply moved by her own feelings. What was so special about her that she could receive such pur feelings from Damon 

Wendy hung up the phone, Felix, who was sitting across from her looked at her with a smile, Look at how nervous you were just now. We grew up together and he’s been gone for a few years. How could he not come to this welcome party.” 

Wendy gave a bitter smile Who knows? He has a girlfriend now. He’s so smart and selfdisciplined. How could he allow himself to get too close to other women? Didn’t you see how he protected, that woman yesterday? We grew up with him, but have you ever seen ham be so careful and protect someone? Let aloneawoman… 

Thinking about this, Damon’s appearance yesterday flashed in her mind, and she couldn’t hide her sadness on her beautiful face

Felix looked at her but didn’t know how to comfort her

No one could change Damon’s decision! For him, there was no chance of changing anything he had decided. That was what made it so helpless. Even if you stood next Damon, and it seemed like you were just one step away, but to really get close to him was as hard as reaching the sky

Untouchable He was that kind of invincible person without a single flaw that could be exploited

Who would have thought that such an aloof man would really stoop to protect a woman

Wendy was somewhat emotional. She just stretched out her hands, propped them on the coffee table, covered her eyes, and didn’t make any sad sound. Only her shoulders were slightly trembling

Over the years, he had never seen her so devastated

Felix’s lips were tightly pressed together, his face heavy


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