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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 862


Chapter 862 

Not long after the coffee shop bell rang. and Wendy gave a small me, waving at the flashy, skinny woman at the door Elsa over here

Hearing the call the masked woman walked over and sat right next to Fellx. She took off her mask, revealing a beautiful and confident face 

She then leaned ovet planting a kiss on Fel’s cheek, Miss me, darling?” 

The movement caused Felix to spill some of his coffee, a flicker of annoyance crossing his eyes. He managed a smile, not answering Elsa’s question but instead glancing at his coffee cup Dops, sony darling it wasn’t on purpose You didn’t get bumid, did you? Let me check” 

Realizing Felix might have gotten bumed. Elsa quickly grabbed his hand and put his fingers in her mouth. She gave Felix s fingers a perfunctory lick, then started leasing t Wendy just smiled and calmly sipped her coffee Felix looked a bit tense, pulling his hand from Elsa’s mouth 

1m fine” 

Elsa leaned closet whispering check again tonight” 

Watch yourself, don’t forget you re a public figure,Felix wamed her quietly 

Elsa finally stopped her antes, looking around before tuming her attention to Wendy 

Weren’t we supposed to have a welcome party? Why are there only two of you?” 

Wendy laughed lightly The actual welcome party is tonight I just couldn’t wait to get your autograph.” 

She glanced at Felix, adding. By the way. I forgot Elsa get jealous easily.” 

Felix shot Wendy a glance, then caressed Elsashead, How could she? She’s smart, and she knows right from wrong.” 

Elsa was clearly pleased with the compliment her chin lifted high in pride

They chatted for a bit, then Wendy grabbed her bag. Alright, I won’t disturb you two lovebirds any longer. I’ve got things to do. See you tonight.” 

Without wasting much time, Elsa dragged Felix off to a hotel

That night, as Nathan and the others were getting ready to attend Wendy’s welcome party, Damon received a call from Presley

The Alonso family is here. They say there’s a business problem. Come take a look.Presley didn’t sound pleased

After hanging up. Damon tumed to Chie The Alonso family sent someone to discuss business. You go with Nathan first I’ll join you once l’m done.Chloe nodded. Anght you go ahead

Damon ruffled her hair giving Nathan a look that clearly meant take care of her

Nathan scoffed at his brother She’s stronger than anyone here. If anything, others will be the ones bullied by her. Do you really need to be so careful?Damon’s gaze turned icy. If she gets hurt in any way, I won’t let it slide.” 

That was scarier than any direct threat, right

It was a lose lose situation. No reward for taking care of her but serious consequences if he failed, What was he thinking

Nathan gave Chloe ah annoyed look, only to be met with her help les’s smile

Let’s go.” 

with her tongue, clearly hinting at something more

Nathan led Chloé to the banquet hall. From the moment their car pulled up to the hotel Chloe couldn’t help but sneer inwardly. When they entered the banquet hall the opulent decor only added to Chloe’s amusement

This was Wendy’s idea of a casual gathering, almost indistinguishable from a high society event Thankfully, to save Damon’s pride, she had wom a simple dress. It was suitable for both formal and casual occasions, simple and elegant, showcasing her charm. Wendy was at the entrance, greeting new arrivals in a rose gold gown that accentualed her slender figure

She was sexy and elegant, sophisticated yet approachable. She was neither tacky nor flamboyant giving off a actress like auta 

Seeing them arrive, she walked over quickly glanced at Chloe’s outfit, and then smiled. Nathan, Chloe, you made it

Chloe gave her a nonchalant look, barely managing a smile

Yes, quite a crowd today. I thought it was just a casual gathering.” 

Wendy glanced at the bustling crowd in the banquet hall Isn’t this casual?! 

Chloe gave a small smile, her eyes filled with sarcasm and a hint of coldness

Wow, Wendy, your idea of a casual gathering is quite grand. I thought it was just a small gettogether!A vole exclaimed, causing Wendy’s lace to stiffen

Elsa and Felix had just walked in. Elsa was wearing a ruby red gown that hugged her figure, with two gold rings at her waist, her slim waist swaying as she walked towards them

Wendy forced a smile, You’re here too.” 

“Yes, thank goodness Wendy reminded me to dress up, or I would’ve been so embarrassed at an event like this


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