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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 

The phone kept ringing for a long time, and it wasn’t until Damon walked up behind her that she finally picked it up

Why did it take you so long to answer?” 

As soon as the call connected, she heard Nick’s annoyed voice

Chloe’s tone was cold, What do you want?” 

Jeez, can’t I just call you when there’s nothing up?” 

The living room was very quiet, and Nick’s voice was loud and clear. Chloe couldn’t help but move the phone slightly away from her ear, glancing at Damon, who was glaring at her, and 

then turned her back

If there’s nothing, I’m hanging up” 

Come home tomorrow!Nick demanded

Why?Chloe scoffed, knowing full well why 

Today, she slapped Keira at New World Plaza and smashed her car. She knew Keira would definitely go home and cry about it

The Summers family loved to settle scores later, and she had completely gotten used to it

This time, she knew they naturally wanted to get justice for Keira

We’ll talk more when you come back!Nick said impatiently

She thought the call would end there, but Nick added, Your grandpa misses you. Think about how long it’s been since you last saw him!” 

Chloe wasn’t planning on going back, but Nick’s last sentence weighed heavily on her heart


The only person she cared about in the Summers family was her grandpa

When she was young, her grandpa doted on her. She would act spoiled in his arms, sit on his shoulders, fly kites, and fish with him, and he even braided her hair, even though it wasn’t 


She wasn’t a heartless person. And after all these years, the only one who might still care about her was her grandpa

She had to go see him, it had been a long time since she last saw him, maybe half a year

After hanging up, Chloe pressed the cold phone to her forehead and took a deep breath

Turning around, she looked at Damon, who was still in the living room, and said 

I might have to go back to my family tomorrow.” 

I’ll have someone take you.” 

Chloe nodded. From here to her family, she indeed needed someone to take her



want to go for a walk?Damon asked, looking at her. It’s good to get some exercise after dinner.Sure. The environment here was nice, so going for a walk after dinner was a good choice

There was a big temperature difference in early spring. It was warm during the day, but chilly at night. Damon grabbed a suit jacket before going out and draped it over Chloe’s shoulders as they left

Chloe looked at him and felt a warmth inside


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