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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 91

Sure, what I want is something unique” 

Chloe gave a small smile. It was a request she often heard 

Chapter 91 

Everyone wants to show their uniqueness in all aspecte

They don’t want to wear the same clothes as others, they hope their jewelry is one of a kind, and they want their bags to be limited edition. Especially the scent. Almost every time a new product research result comes out, everyone hopes to have a unique scent of their own

For businessmen, it’s kind of a pickle 

There was a pavilion by the artificial lake ahead, and the two tacitly headed toward it

Unique, huh. that’s actually what every designer chases after First, what kind of scent do you like

Approaching the pavilion, they could see the lake shimmering under the lights 

What do I like?Damon’s deep voice sounded, with a faint smile in his eyes

I like your scent. Does that count?” 

Chloe froze, stumbling on the step in front of the pavilion, and leaned forward 

Feeling a bit dizzy, she was caught by Damon the next second 

His voice was low and easy, I quite like your clumsy side. Probably the only time you’d lean into me voluntarily 

That’s because you suddenly said something confusing!

Chloe broke free from his arms, stumbled a bit due to the panic, took two steps back, and leaned against a big red pillar behind her

During this process, she instinctively tried to grab something, but in her frantic state, she accidentally grabbed Damon’s collar, forcing his tall figure to lean toward her 

She closed her eyes, ready to fall to the ground

However, a warm hand supported her lower back, followed bya muffled grunt, and the sound of a heavy collision with the pillar, she was surrounded by warmth

The anticipated pain didn’t happen, that grunt and the impact sound had Chloe opening her eyes in surprise

She looked up at Damon’s slightly frowning eyes, feeling a bit tense

Are you okay?” 

Damon tugged at the corner of his mouth, I’m fine.” 

But you…” Chloe wanted to check his shoulder because the sound of the impact she clearly heard was very loud

I’m fine.” 

He looked down at her and saw the genuine anxiety and concern on her face, his gaze gradually deepening

His hand on her waist tightened a bit

I just wanted to take you for a walk.” 

What?Chloe was confused, looking at him, the anxiety on her face didn’t lessen

I didn’t intend to do anything to you.Damon continued to explain

I know.” 


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