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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 94


Chapter 94 

Chloe gave her a casual glance, with her eyes as cold as ke devoid of any emotion

Keira bit her tip, gingerly reaching out to grab Chloe’s sleeve. She looked pathetic, like a little sister who had done something wrong, trying to cajole her big sister into forgiving her

Chibe yanked her arm back, ignoring Kea with a stone cold face, and waked up to the others 

Wheres Grandpa 

Nok was instantly pissed off 

What kind of upbringing is this. You walked in without even saying hello? Don’t you have any respect for your elders

Chice sneered, her gaze loy as she looked at the people in the rooth 

The elders? Ha Did those elders who dumped me abroad at alone ever care about whether thed or dig 

When Chine was sent abroad the Summers family didn’t leave her a penny, apart from buying her fight ticket 

If it werent for the pocket money her mother left her, she would have starved to death in a foreign country 

Let abine them thinking about visiting her not even one of them gave her a single phone cal 

The elders

Ha what an ironic term 

Nick’s face froze, seeming a bit awkward 

At this point, Carolina spoke up 

When you were sent abroad, you were already 20. Were you planning to rely on your family forever? Plus, I knew how much money your mother had left you.Chice nodded and smiled her indifferent eyes full of sarcasm 

Sure, in your eyes, money can solve everything. The fact that I didn’t die out there is all thanks to you.” 

ignoring the ugly expressions on the faces of the people in front of her, Chloe sat down on the sofa across from them 

Spit it out, why did you call me back?” 

After a few seconds of silence, Nick asked seriously. Why did you smash Keira’s car yesterday?” 

Chice wasn’t surprised 

Did your precious daughter not tell you?” 

You’re out of line Everyone has a moment of distraction when driving, right? She already said she didn’t do it on purpose, why did you have to do that?” 

Chloes expression was indifferent, but the sarcastic smile was still on her face

Since she’s already cried to you about it, why do you ask me again? Want me to repeat it? Fine, I just don’t like the sight of her!” 

Did the truth mean anything to them

Nick glared at her with his face stern, Keira’s an artist at Pulse Entertainment. Do you have any idea how much trouble you’ve caused for Pulse Entertainment, and how much harm you’ve done to Kers 

Kera is your little sister, yet she’s always the one accommodating you! How could you show no sign of gratitude or remorse? Just how callous are you? You” 

Nick was so angry that he was gasping for breath


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