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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 95


Chapter 95 

Chapter 95 

Chloe’s voice was as cold and cutting as ice

Keira tensed up slightly

Chloe, I apologize on behalf of my fans” 

Well then, hurry up and pay me for the damage your fans did to my car.” 

Keira gritted her teeth quietly, but agreed, That’s only fair.” 

Just how much did this car smashing incident cost Pulse Entertainment? It bothered Keira

Alright, since Keira isn’t holding it against you, we’ll let this slide.” 

Carolina, who had been quietly sitting in the middle, suddenly spoke up. Chloe, however, didn’t even spare her a glance, remaining completely indifferent

Carolina shot Chloe a look, squinted her eyes slightly, and continued

But remember, something like this can’t happen again! Keira is now a part of Pulse Entertainment, and Pulse Entertainment can’t afford more drama like this!” 

It was hard enough already for the entertainment company to make it

There was the Wilkins family’s Aurora International in the capital, and then Graham Witt, the international movie star from F City, had his own Pacific Media

All the other entertainment companies were squeezed in between these two giants, struggling to survive

Any celebrity who gained a little popularity would, without exception, opt to jump ship to one of these two companies

The only person Pulse Entertainment could rely on now was Keira. The only reason Pulse Entertainment had been able to hold on this long was thanks to the penalty fees from who had decided to jump ship

Pulse Entertainment really couldn’t afford more drama

But Chloe couldn’t care less about Pulse Entertainment

She held 15% of Pulse Entertainment’s shares, 10% of which had been promised to her mother when she married into the Summers family


After her mother passed away, Nick wanted to transfer her shares to Viviana but was stopped by their grandfather. He took out his own 5% shares, added them to what he had promised her mother, and gave them all to Chloe 

as compensation

But who would want something like that as compensation

Moreover, even though she held shares in Pulse Entertainment, it had nothing to do with her over the years

Carolina was upset seeing Chloe’s indifferent attitude

Because of her impulse to smash the car, Keira’s reputation had taken a major hit, and the company also lost a lot of unnecessary funds

Seeing Chloe pile on the troubles of the company she valued most was enough to enrage her

But now wasn’t the time to settle scores

Besides, she couldn’t afford to pay up

Her small PR company did have a bit of reputation in P City, but expecting it to make big money was a pipe dream

But still, she was part of the Summers family

Your trip home wasn’t easy, so while you’re here, I’ll tell you this. The inauguration ceremony for the new CEO of the Harper Group is on this Friday night. You should come too!Keira lowered her head, gently biting her lip, showing no emotion on her face

Chloe raised her eyebrows slightly

Friday again


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