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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 34

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 34

My body was exhausted as we made our way back to the palace. My eyes

found the bloody field where all those lycans laid, those that fought for us, not against us. Adonis squeezed my hand.

“Those brave lycans did not die in vain. I will make sure they get a proper burial.”

“I know you will.” I smiled sadly.

“I know who will be happy to see you,” Niya called out.

“What?” I asked, confused.

As we entered the palace, a blur ran toward me and picked me up.

“Carter, put me down.” I laughed.

“Oh, Smiley, I’m so glad you’re okay.” Carter put me down as his eyes ran up and down to check for any injuries.

“What about your injury? One touch and you’re out for the rest of the battle,” I teased.

Carter pouted. “That’s no fair. You’re a lycan now, much stronger than me.”

Adonis cleared his throat before pulling me back toward him and placing a hand round my waist.

A smile made its way onto my face when I realized Adonis was jealous. I wanted to laugh, but I kept it in knowing it wasn’t the right time.

“Thank you for all your help.” Adonis sounded like he was talking to a stranger.

“No problem. We’re family now. My best friend and sister-in-law are a part of your pack.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) Family helps family out.” Carter smiled at me.

“Yeah, which means family doesn’t get jealous of family,” I whispered to Adonis, who just glared at me.


“I’m a jealous man, baby, I can’t help it,” Adonis whispered back.

“What are you two whispering about?” Carter asked.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” Evan muttered but was elbowed by Niya, who shook her head.

“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” I answered.

“You better not keep any more secrets from me, Smiley. Unless it’s about your sex life because I really…,” Carter trailed off as a loud cough interrupted him

My dad stood there with a “I don’t want to know what my daughter does with her mate” look on his face.

“If only they knew,” Adonis mumbled in my hair, causing me to bury my face in Adonis’s chest, totally mortified.

I will get Carter back for that. The last thing I needed was my dad finding out about my sex life.

“Oh, my baby, look at you.” Mom came over and pulled me out of my embarrassing moment by hugging me.

“I’m okay, Mom, honestly.” I hugged her back. A mom’s hug makes everything better, I swear.

“Yeah, your daughter’s a badass.” Damien smirked.

“Tell us something we don’t know.” Sai made his presence known by ruffling my hair.

I scowled at him as I attempted to fix it. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Sai just smiled and ruffled it again. I did not miss that, but obviously he did.

“As much as I would love to sit with you all and chat, I need a shower and my bed,” I said.

“Of course you do. Go rest, we will be here till tomorrow,” My dad replied, giving me a quick hug.

After saying my goodbyes, I made my way upstairs, desperate for a shower. Adonis stayed down to make sure my family was okay.


It didn’t take me long to enter my room, take off the dirty clothes, and enter the shower.

The warm water hitting my skin made me sigh. It felt like today was a never-ending day. I took my time washing my hair and scrubbing my skin till it was red

When I finally decided to come out, the smell of food made my stomach rumble. Quickly, I got dressed and was surprised to see a whole spread of food.

Adonis sat there smiling “You took your time. I was afraid I would need to come in there and grab you before the food went cold.”

“You were afraid? I find that hard to believe,” I scoffed.

Adonis laughed. “It’s true.”

“Sure, I’ll remember that next time you want to shower together.” I rolled my eyes.

“Come on, you need to eat.” Adonis grabbed my hand and sat me down next to him

He was right, I needed food. So, without wasting a second, I grabbed a plate and filled it up with all sorts of delicious food.

Eating like a lady didn’t even occur to me as I stuffed my face. When I had eaten enough, I collapsed on the bed with a loud sigh.

“Satisfied?” Adonis chuckled.

“Very,” I replied.

“I can’t believe it’s over.” Adonis looked at me with worry in his eyes.

“You’re thinking that something else is going to happen, aren’t you?” I asked.

Adonis nodded, and I shook my head, standing up and heading over to him.

“Don’t. We’ve won this battle, Adonis. Bradley won’t be causing us any more trouble. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)I’m sure the council will leave us alone for now too.” I laughed at the end.


“Yes, thanks to my amazing mate.” Adonis smiled.

I dramatically flipped my hair. “I know, I’m just too good.”

Adonis pulled me toward him and groaned, “You know how much you’ve tortured me today? The number of times I’ve had to hide my hard-on fror. everyone.”

Laughter escaped my mouth before I could stop it. Thinking about Adoni: trying to hide his boner just made me laugh even more.

“You think that’s funny?” He rolled his eyes.

“I’m sorry. It is just a little.” I tried to stop laughing

Before I knew it, Adonis had picked me up and threw me on the bed, causing me to squeal. The laughter stopped as soon as I saw his eyes.

He crawled up the bed with a smirk on his face. “It’s a good thing I don’t have to hide my hard-on anymore tonight.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, “Um…I…my…”.

Adonis’s smirk never left his face as he bent down and nipped my ear. “My little mate has nothing to say?”

“My parents.” I tried to come up with an excuse.

“Are on a completely different floor. You know this whole floor is just ours, my love.” Adonis tried not to laugh at me.

“But.” My brain had nothing else to say.

“Hmm…” Adonis humored me while leaving little kisses from my ear to my neck, causing me to shiver.

Suddenly it was like my brain stopped working. I couldn’t think of anything else but the pleasure Adonis was causing me.

“Are you afraid, little one?” he asked.

“You look like you want to devour me,” I admitted.

“And that makes you afraid?” Adonis looked at me, concerned.


“No, it makes me nervous. My body is going to hurt like a bitch tomorrow,” I replied.

Adonis let out a sigh. “I thought you were afraid. I wouldn’t do anything if you felt like that, but now I know you do want this….”

“Adonis, please,” I begged.

“Oh God. Adonis, I can’t…”(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) I struggled to form even a sentence.

He didn’t answer, instead lifting my hands and holding them behind my head. Realization crossed my face as I struggled, but it was no use.

Chapter 34 1

Chapter 34 2

I struggled around in the bed, begging him to hurry up, but he just stood there with a triumphant smirk on his face.

“All right, yes, I’ve learned my lesson. Please, would you just fuck me already?” I cried out.

Adonis ripped off the rest of his clothes in a split second and positionea himself by my core, which was begging for him to enter me.


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