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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 35

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 35

My blood ran cold as I saw Diya held hostage by none other than Hunter.

A knife was pressed against Diya’s neck, and a bomb was strapped to Hunter’s chest.

My whole family was tense as they surrounded Hunter. Niya was being held back by Evan. Her need to protect her sister was clear to me.

Adonis was already growling at Hunter. Guards surrounded the place, just waiting for Adonis’s command.

I knew they could very easily kill him, but it was Diya and the bomb that got me worried.

As soon as I was down, his eyes connected with mine. My heart was racing, but I willed myself to stay calm. This was a delicate situation.

“Aarya, you’re here,” Hunter breathed, smiling at me.

Adonis stood in front of me, blocking Hunter from seeing me.

“Let me see her,” Hunter demanded.

Adonis scoffed, “I don’t take orders from you, mutt.”

He was struggling to stay in control, his voice became deeper. I squeezed his hand, and his tense shoulders relaxed, just a little.

Hunter growled, “Let me see her.”

This time he pressed the knife against Diya’s neck, causing her to whimper. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Carter, who was being held back by Damien, struggled against Damien’s grip.

“I’ll kill you. I will tear you, limb from limb,” Carter seethed, his possessiveness for his mate showing. He was no longer the playful alpha but a very angry one instead.

Niya growled, attempting to lunge at Hunter, but Evan held her back. Niya was easier to control than a certain lycan. If Adonis got angry, it wouldn’t be pretty. His lycan was close to taking over.


Diya wouldn’t get hurt because of me. So, I pushed Adonis aside and let Hunter see me. Obviously Adonis didn’t like that, but I grabbed his hand again, hoping he got the idea.

“You’re different now.” Hunter looked at me with adoration in his eyes.

That adoration was what I wanted to see all those months ago. Now it just made me sick. The only person I wanted to see that in was standing right beside me.

“I’m a lycan now, Hunter.” I kept all emotion away from my voice.

“A beautiful one at that,” Hunter replied.

Adonis growled, but I pulled him back. The Hunter I knew would never do anything to harm anyone. I hoped he was still in there.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“You,” he replied simply.

Again, I felt Adonis’s anger building up. I needed to diffuse this and quick

“What makes you think I’ll come with you?” My eyebrows raised.

“You’re mine. I’ve come to fulfill my promise to you,” Hunter stated.

This time it was Carter who growled. “Aarya isn’t yours, she never was. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)She was born to be a queen; she was born to be the king’s mate. What promise are you talking about? You broke that when you stepped out of the car with your mate. Remember?”

Hunter’s gaze snapped to Carter. “I don’t have a mate.”

Confusion was etched on our faces. What was he talking about? Did something happen to Lana?

“I will have one soon though.” His gaze snapped to mine.

“Hunter, you need to let Diya go,” I said, walking closer to him.

Adonis growled at the loss of contact, his stance turning predatory. He was ready to attack if Hunter laid a finger on me.


“Let Diya go, Hunter. I won’t come any closer to you otherwise,” I attempted to negotiate.

“So, you’ll come with me?” he asked, excited.

His grip loosened on the knife. I saw this, and thankfully Diya did too. Without wasting a second, she elbowed Hunter in the stomach while I grabbed the knife so she could escape.

Hunter collapsed onto the floor, and I chucked the knife far away.

“Get that bomb off him and chuck him in the dungeons,” Adonis barked orders and dragged me away from Hunter.

“She cheated on me,” Hunter whispered.

I stopped in my tracks and turned back around. Hunter looked at me brokenly

The bomb had been ripped off Hunter, but he didn’t seem to care about that.

Carter looked at me and then back at Hunter.

“Lana?” he asked

Hunter nodded slowly. Tears formed in his eyes, and he shook his head to try and clear them.

“Why? When?” Carter asked.

“I found out just before you came here and left me in charge. She was acting weird the past few months, and I couldn’t figure out why.

(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)”I followed her when she left our house, and she drove for about fifteen minutes before stopping at this house. She didn’t even knock; she had a key and walked straight in.

“I heard a little boy shout, Mommy,’ and my heart broke. In that moment, I thought she had a child that she hid from me because she was worried about my reaction.

“But then I heard a man’s voice. He was telling her how much he loved her and missed her. Lana said she missed him too. My own mate telling another man she loved him


“I went to confront her when she told him that she would be rejecting me soon. She couldn’t bear to live without him and her son.

“But I didn’t give her the satisfaction of rejecting me. I burst in and rejected her.

Instead of remorse, she was actually happy.

“While my heart shattered, she jumped into the arms of that man. She didn’t even care that I was standing right there.” Hunter was broken by the end of his story

Diya clutched onto Carter, while Carter looked distraught. The two have always been so close. Hearing what Hunter went through would have hurt Carter too. I think everyone felt the pain.

Chapter 35 1

Hunter sighed, “I know. You were never meant to be mine. Carter was right, you were born to be the king’s mate. I guess my anger blinded me. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

Chapter 35 2

Chapter 35 3

“Smiley, I would have stayed longer if I could, but duty calls. You know I’m always a phone call away.” Carter hugged me.


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