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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 8

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 8 


Adonis was holding Hunter by the collar, causing him to nearly suffocate with the tightness of his grip

His other hand was placed over his chest, like he might rip out Hunters heart with his bare hands without a second thought

Just a few moments before, I was dancing with Adonis, holding him close, surprised at my own attraction to him

But now, I saw him for what he really was. A monster: I couldn‘t believe that someone like this was really my mate. And I wasnt going to let him do anything to Hunter

ADONISI called out

I ran over and tried to pull him off of Hunter. But he was sturdy as a boulder. I couldnt make him budge

Adonis, please dont hurt him. He didnt do anything.” 

I am the King,Adonis said through gritted teeth. I do what I want.” 

His eyes were still glowing with rage. I was certain that he would shift any second now and then Hunter would really be done for

I kept expecting Hunter to say something, but he was silent. He knew better than to talk back to the King. But apparently I didn‘t

Let go of him,I said sternly. Now.” 

Adoniseyes turned to find mine. For an instant, I thought he might attack me

But to my surprise, I saw his grip loosen on Hunters collar

Get your mate and get the hell out of here,Adonis snarled to Hunter

Then he let go of the poor man, grabbed my hand, and lead us away without glancing back

I followed him, grateful to have avoided a real disaster

We walked outside onto the patio and before we even had a moment alone, Gave, Evan, and Lexi appeared at our side

I told everyone else to go home, too,” Gabe said. It seemed like the night was over anyway.”

Adonis nodded and then said, I have to go and check on something. Stay here.” 

That last sentence was directed at me. I watched as Adonis left

Sophia and Luke entered and looked worried. Gabe whispered something to the two of them, and they both looked at me, eyes wide with shock

Instinctively, I looked down at my dress to see if there was a stain or something on it, but there wasnt

Im sorry you had to witness that,” Gabe said, but its programmed in the Lycan DNA to protect his mate at any cost.

Aarya, that was amazing...Sophia trailed off

What about that was amazing?I asked

Adonis didnt fully lose control. Normally he needs to be physically restrained once his Lycan takes over. It hasnt even been a full day since he found you, yet your presence is helping him stay in control.Sophia smiled

Could my presence really be the reason that Adonis is managing to stay in control? It seemed unlikely, but the faces of the lycans made me think otherwise.

Was a lycans mate that important that they could help their mates stay in control? I didnt have much time to think about it because Adonis walked in

He had changed, and I couldnt help but admit how hot he looked

My mom came up to me and gave me a big hug. Its time we got going now” 

My heart sank. There was no way I wasnt going back home with them. Not possible

I am coming back with you,I stated, and Adoniss head whipped around

No, baby. You need to stay here. Ill pack your things and send them here for you.My mom stroked my cheek

I scoffed and replied, “No way. I am coming back. No offence, Mom, but my whole life is back home, and I should be the one to pack everything up

Adonis growled, clearly not happy with what I said, but I just rolled my eyes.

He cant control me

My mom looked between us both, worried. She never liked conflict anyway

Carter walked over and winked at me. Smiley, I know youre going to miss my gorgeous body but dont worry, Ill send you pics.” 

I laughed and shoved Carter away. Please, I dont wanna see pictures of your beer belly.” 

Carter gasped, but I didnt let him say anything. I am coming back home because only I have the right to pack away everything that belongs to me.” 

No one said anything else to me; they were all waiting to see what Adonis would say. Not that it mattered to me. I was going home no matter what

Finally Adonis sighed, Fine. You can go back home, but you only have two days. In two daystime, I will be there to pick you up.” 

Damn, two days isnt a lot of time, but I could still escape. There was no way I was coming back here.

I didn’t want a mate, and I didnt want to be queen. Especially after what I had just witnessed. I had to escape before it was too late. 

My thoughts were interrupted by Adoniss harsh tone. Ill be sending two people I trust to guard you. Dont think you can try and escape me.

His gaze pierced my own, and I froze. How could he have known what I was thinking? Hope disintegrated as I realized I wouldnt be able to escape.

Adonis looked at everyone and nodded before motioning to the other lycans to follow him

When they left, my mom looked at me and sighed, Aarya, what is wrong with you?” 

I shrugged, not wanting to answer, but that wasnt good enough for my mom.

You are the mate of a lycan. Forget about the fact he is king, but you know how important a mate is to a lycan, and youre still acting like this. Why?” 

What if he doesnt let me become a pack doctor because I have to be queen. I dont want to be tied down and not be able to pursue my dreams.”

Sighing, I turned away from my mom.


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