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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 9

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 Chapter


The next morning was complete chaos. Everyone woke up late and of course that angered my dad considerably.

However, we still managed to hit the road at 10 a.m., which I think was an achievement, considering the night we had last night

Diya decided to come back with us. It wasnt a big deal for her because she still had family in her mates pack

Niya was heading back home with her parents. She seemed better this morning, but I knew she had a long way till she was back to her normal bubbly self

Carter was driving, and he had Diya, Hunter, and Lana with him. I was still with my parents, which was fine by me. Luke and Sophia were in their own car behind us

Mom was chatting to Dad while I had my headphones plugged in and was blasting my music and reading.

Last night was the worst nights sleep I have ever gotten. My wolf was restless all night and still is. It made me a very moody person, but I tried to hide it because I knew what my mom would say

Shed tell me that its because I wasn’t with my mate, and I hated to admit she was probably right

My phone pinged, bringing me out of my thoughts. I glanced down to see a text saying, Two days and then Im coming to take what is mine – 

How did he get my number? And who does he think he is referring to me like I am just his property

My anger got the better of me as I replied, One, how did you get my number? And two, dont refer to me as your property. I am my own person.”

The nerve of him. I couldnt believe that he would say something like that to me.

It didnt take long for a reply to come through. Sophia gave me your number, and I am not referring to you as my property but as my mate.” 

I scoffed and typed my response, That is not how it sounded. Now I am As going to sleep. Bye.” 

Aarya, it is taking every ounce of my selfcontrol not to drive down there right now and take you back. Youre making it harder with your sass.” 

Adonis’s response made me shiver. I could imagine his dangerous tone. Why did that kind of excite me? Stupid, traitorous body making me feel things I shouldnt be feeling.

Okay, sorry. But I really am tired,” I responded, careful not to piss him off more.

Sweet dreams, Aarya. Thank you for coming into my life and please message me when you safely reach your house.” 

Adonis’s response wasn’t meant to get my body all worked up, but it did. My wolf was going crazy and was angry that I left Adonis

I felt like my own body was against me. Although, the warm feeling that flooded my body after I read Adoniss message was the best feeling ever.

My eyes closed as I let sleep take over me

Aarya, wake up. Were home.My mom gently shook me awake

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked at my mom. Home? Already? I slept the whole way!” 

My dad chuckled. You were knocked out, didnt even wake up when we reached the service station. Your mate rang too, but you were still sleeping so Mom told him you were knocked out. Oh, and Carter may or may not have taken a few pictures of you.” 

Whoa, I cant believe I was that tired that I was completely dead to the world. Hang on a second, did Dad say Carter took pictures of me

That bastard! Hed use them to blackmail me. Groaning, I got out of the car and went to find Carter

He was talking to Luke and Sophia but stopped when he saw me coming over. He had a massive smile on his face, which meant the pictures he took of me must have been awful.

Carter, delete those damn pictures now!I glared at him

Nope. They‘re such good blackmail material, Smiley. They could come in use.” Carter ruffled my hair.  

Scowling, I turned to Diya and whispered, Youre on my side. Please delete those damn pictures.” 

Diya smiled at me and whispered back, Dont you worry. Ive got your back.” 

Smiling triumphantly, I walked back to my car to help bring everything in. Luke was trailing behind me and I sighed, You know you dont have to follow me everywhere, right?

Dont have to, but I will.Luke replied

Great. My last two days at home Ill have no privacy. After bringing everything inside, I collapsed on my bed and pulled out my phone

I don‘t know why, but I called Adonis and put the phone to my ear

Youre home?His deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

Yes, just got home. Dad told me you rang, sorry I was asleep,I replied, trying hard to not stutter.

Ah, yes. They said you must have been really tired. Why is that? Did you not sleep well last night?Adonis asked

Of course I slept well,I retorted

Really?Adoniss tone made me think he didnt believe me

Yes, why are you asking me?I said

Because, my little mate, I know you didnt sleep well last night. I know you are lying to me,Adonis said. I could sense the smirk on the other end.

How... how did you know?I sighed

I also had the worst nights sleep last night. I only got a good hour in after messaging you,Adonis replied

Butwhy? I dont understand.I was at a loss for words

How can we both be having a bad nights sleep? We havent even known we were mates for an entire day yet


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