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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 101

Did you take care of... 

When the elevator doors opened again, Daniel, Mr. Boone, Elrod, Madden, Laurier, Viotto, Fox, Caddel, Francis. and Mr. Amana walked out, carrying briefcases that seemed heavy for their aging bones to carry. 

A frown immediately settled on Elijah‘s face when he saw them with those briefcases, he pinched the bridge of his nose, groaned, and said, “You ten, stop right there!” 

A nervous glance clouded their eyes as a look of hesitation settled on their faces and the ten of them halted in their steps. 

Drawing a deep breath to calm his annoyance, Elijah walked over to them, and then asked, “What‘s in the briefcases that makes them look heavy?” 

The men exchanged confused looks between themselves as if asking each other whether they should answer or just keep their silence. 

“Papers,” Daniel replied in an annoyed voice as he glanced at the floor before looking at Elijah and asked in irritation, “Can we go now?!” 

“Nah, not with the briefcases... You can‘t.” Elijah stated calmly as he stood directly in front of the men. 

“Why not?! We have the right to.” 

“Every document belonging to Investistic Co. is not allowed to leave the walls of this building until further notice. So open all ten of the briefcases and...” 

Looking over his shoulder, Elijah met Ryan‘s eyes and said calmly, “Ryan will check these so–called papers, and whatever belongs to the company will stay right here.” 

The feeling of anxiety by those words made Daniel and his colleagues freeze in place with fear and apprehension. 

‘Elmer Hayes and us will be in some deep legal shit if these papers land in this boy‘s hands.‘ Daniel thought as the others were silent, staring at Elijah and Ryan, and clutching onto their briefcase tightly. 

‘I told these idiots for us to hide these papers and pick it up at a later date... But no, Fox said that this boy was a fool, and we could easily walk out of here with them. Now look at this mess!‘ Mr. Caddel thought with worry as he looked around nervously. 

Feeling hot in his coat, Mr. Fox looked at Elijah dead–serious expression, and swallowed hard, mumbling in his head, ‘Why is this happening now? Why? Why?? I thought he wasn‘t smart enough for this stuff! mean, look at what he did with the company employees, and now, he suddenly wants to act professional with us??!! What the hell?‘ 

‘There‘s no way he can understand these numbers on the papers and figure it out, right?… He can‘t have a brain for this kind of stuff... does he?‘ Mr. Laurier thought with concern in his face. 

The ten men stared intensely at Elijah and Ryan for a moment, and then Daniel said in a firm tone, “This is harassment on our right... and we will not comply with any illegal authorization for our private belongings to get temper with or search.” 

Elijah gave him the same stern gaze he gave the rest of the group, and then, at that exact moment, a bunch of men walked into the lobby with Rick heading the group, their faces stone cold. 

The board of directors watched silently, fear dancing in their eyes and their palms sweating with nerves. 

“The easy way or the hard way,” Elijah announced calmly in a quiet tone that almost sounded bored,” either way, we are searching those briefcases.” 

‘This boy... This kid… what the fuck did he just pull?!‘ Mr. Francis thought, looking at the ground, sweat trickling down his forehead. 

Slowly. Mr. Boone nodded his head and stepped towards Ryan, holding up his briefcase and opening it. saying, “Let‘s get this over with.” 

The members of the board eyed each other before sighing when they heard Ryan say, “Stand in a straight line, one at a time.” 

‘This is humiliating!‘ Daniel cried in his head as he made his way to the back of the line, lowering his head. 

The search went on for about a couple of minutes, and when Ryan finally got done with Daniel, he looked back at Elijah and said, “The only things these guys need to be walking out of here with is their keys, wallets, and phone. None of these documents should leave this building.” 

‘Shit!‘ Mr. Fox panicked in his head. 

‘Damnit!‘ Mr. Boone cursed in his mind. 

‘Who is this other young man?! Why does this boy have brains around him?! What is going on?! why isn‘t he being useless like the rumors?!‘ 

‘This is trouble! 

What the hell!’ Laurier cried in his head anxiously, 

With a defeated look, everyone dropped the briefcases in front of Elijah‘s feet, eyeing Rick and the other men, feeling their hearts drop at their cowardice. 

“You are making a gravel mistake here. You and Peach are at the bottom of the corporate ladder, and if you are to climb, you need people with experience to help you guys, or else the bottom is where you two are sinking, and you will take the company with you.” Mr. Amana declared firmly as he stared at Elijah with fire in his eyes. 

A look of confusion and shock spread across the men‘s faces because they didn‘t expect him to just accept it. But they said nothing and walked away

When they all gathered outside of the building, Mr. Boone turned to the others and asked, “So, who‘s going to tell Elmer that Elijah has the files?” 

“What are we gonna do...?” Mr. Francis asked in desperation, glancing nervously at the entrance, while the other members shared anxious glances amongst themselves. “Should we run?” 


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