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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 110

Putting a price on Justice

 “Why is Elijah not dead yet?!” Madam Jewel screamed, her voice echoing throughout the walls of the living room of the Hayes mansion. “We are in the new month and that scumbag told me last month that he was going to complete his job soon, and now, we still have a pest problem. The living room went silent after those words and none of her children spoke for a while, their faces clouded with worry. 

But then Cora couldn‘t hold back her thoughts again saying, “How is he doing this?!... We all thought he would be dead by now, but he‘s still very much alive... We thought Investistic Co. would be bankrupt by now, but in the past few days, the company has started operating again with new employees and will soon kick off... Nothing is adding up.” 

“... I tried talking to an employee from ‘SEC‘ to tell me about the document those fools made Elijah get a hold of and see if we can get them out of the company. But I got told that Elijah has all the original copies and the agency is working with the photocopies. He refused to let them keep the original.” Dean sighed with a look of helplessness on his face. 

There was this reluctant look in Mathew‘s expression as he withheld his words for a second and said, “I tried using my contacts to get the investigation to be terminated, but Mr. Bamford is going in hard on this case, and most of the officers I had spoken with say that the case is high profile and the chief has the best detectives on it. They can‘t do anything.” 

“He‘s a good digger... he‘s somehow in a gang... He‘s hanging out with a man like Bryan Check... He‘s running a company that should have gone bankrupt by now, and now, he has somehow manipulated the chief of police to his will... This isn‘t making sense anymore!!” Amelia said as she threw her hands in the air in frustration. 

Screwing his face into a frown, Tommy ball his fingers into a fist and let out, “How is that bastard getting the money to do all this shit!! Didn‘t Melina tell us when she first brought up the idea of marrying him that he didn‘t have a job and much connection in this country, so what is this?! How is he pulling all these shits off... at a fast pace!” 

That was a question no one had an answer for and the room went cold with silence. 

“So, what now?” Elmer finally found the courage to ask, trying to be hopeful even though the room had a hopeless vibe. 

The quietness dragged on after his questions and within a matter of seconds, he was pissed, and he suddenly lashed out, “So, you all are fucking giving up on me?!” 

“Damnit, Elm. Shut the hell up! No one is giving up on your ass, but Elijah is shutting down all of our efforts to erase this shit that you brought on yourself!!” Eli roared at his brother. 

“The problem I created? If Dean‘s useless child would have kept her legs closed and stayed the hell away from that piece of shit, I wouldn‘t have this problem in the first place.” Elmer snapped back. Without a word and rage pumping through his veins, Dean rushed from his chair and locked his grip around his brother‘s throat, causing immediate chaos in the situation as Mathew and Tommy tried to pull him away while Madam Jewel and her daughters screamed for Dean to stop. 

After a lot of struggle, Mathew managed to hug onto his brother‘s waist and yank him back, 

but not before Dean had gotten the chance to strike Elmer in the face, screaming, “Keep my daughter‘s name out of your fucking mouth!!” “But it‘s the truth!” Elmer pushed on, wiping the blood from his cut. 

“Elm, that‘s enough nonsense!” Madam Jewel screamed, trying to get back dominance in the situation. Looking his mother dead in the eyes, his face went cold as he let out in a deadpan tone, “This is your fault! If it wasn‘t for your bullshit plan, this would have never happened. You should have let Peach stay the fuck away from this family!” 

Before Madam Jewel could get the chance to say a word, Elmer looked at his siblings and said, ” Don‘t you guys get it?! You are all filthy sinners with dirt that could land you guys in worse conditions than me... If this boy gets me, he is one step further to being bolder to come for the rest of you...! Mark my words!” 

The truth in his statement was enough to shut everyone up, and they knew that he was right... Elijah was a threat that was getting bigger and more powerful than they expected, and now that the table was slowly turning, they had no idea how to shift it back in their favor

The sudden sound of footsteps made the living room silent, and the curiosity in the atmosphere quickly shifted into fear as Butler Gray walked through the doorway with ten police officers and Mr. Bamford. 


Immediately, Madam Jewel‘s heart dropped, and the color drained from her face as she watched one of the officers reach for his handcuffs while the chief constable announced,“ Elmer Hayes, we have a warrant for your arrest, and you have the right to a lawyer and to remain silent, or else anything you say or do will be used against you in court. Do you understand these terms?” 

“For the past few days, I have been coming to your office, and you refuse to see me...” Madam Jewel whispered as if to avoid any eavesdropping ears around them. “My days have been occupied with work,” Mr. Bamford replied, avoiding looking directly at her. 

Looking over his shoulder to peek at the other officers, she sighed heavily and then focused back on him, saying, “How much did Elijah pay you to do this to my boy, huh? Whatever it is, I can double that... No, I can triple it.” “Ma‘am, never again insult me in this manner. You can‘t put a price on justice, and if I had the slightest doubt that Elmer isn‘t the wrongdoer here, the handcuffs would change course. But your son is the perpetrator... the evidence is completed and undeniable, so please excuse me... I have a job to do.” 


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