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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 113

Read The Marvelous Elijah’s Return By Rever Chapter 113 – A Secret

Watching the glass of champagne pop open, Madam Jewel raised her brow, staring at a silver fox, standing in front of her, pouring it into two glasses. “I don’t have time to drink, Jacob… My son is locked up, and there is this arrogant, annoying sc***bag who now, somehow knows about Harris’s will!!” Madam Jewel complained, her face turning red as she continued to rant, her voice getting louder and more agitated with each word that escaped her mouth


Raising a brow, Jacob sighed, taking a seat on the couch next to her, resting his hand on the old woman’s shoulder, trying to calm her down as he said, “Elijah knows about Harris’ will? Jewel…”

“I don’t think he knows the content within it, or else that greedy ba***rd will use whatever might he has suddenly gained to come for us…” Jewel spat out, angrily, “Remind me why Peach is not dead yet?”  “Harris found out the truth while on his sick bed.

And in his messed up head, he used all his international power to put a protective barrier around her, knowing that after what he did, I was going for her too…”

“Hmm,” “I have been using the loopholes in his command for years, but if she dies and words get out, I have dug my own grave.”

The sound of nature echoing around the balcony took over the conversation for a while before Jacob asked, “And this Elijah guy?”

1 know nothing real about that fool, and what we have on him are just guesses which have no solid proof… He’s making a fool of my family… and just like that we have lost control…” Madam Jewel explained, finally reaching for her glass.

“He has the element of surprise, Jewel, which is a powerful tool… Take that from him and you get yourself a fair game.”

“How? “Well, he doesn’t seem to be as stupid as everyone says he is… You see, he is manipulating people by pretending to be this useless boy… To defend your enemy. you have to unmask them, and this Elijah guy has you all figured out, but it’s not the same for you towards him.”

A slight frown appeared on the old woman’s wrinkled lips, and Madam Jewel looked away in thought. mumbling. “What do you mean by that?”

“Even the battlefield… He has Elmer in his grip, I can help you to get a chess piece to use and bargain with him in exchange for your son’s freedom.” Jacob said with a c**y grin on his face, as he took a sip from his wine glass.

Looking at him, Madam Jewel raised a brow at his suggestion and then asked, “What is this chess piece?”

“The queen… Your step-granddaughter.” Jacob sald, smwing slyly. A King will bargain his soul with the devil for the woman that owns his heart…”

“I told you that she can’t die.”

“No one is talking about cutting off Peach’s light… We can use her to get information about her husband and also, bargain her safe return for Elmer’s release.”

Who il Peach doesn’t own his heart. After all, he was just with Melina a few months ago” An unreadable expression appeared on Jacob’s lace for a moment as he stared at the old woman, thinking then he spoke again Well, He did mess up Elmer’s face because he simply raised a hand at her so I heard Even if Peach doesn’t have his heart, she means something to him.”

A sense of worry rose within Madam Jewel and her eyes shifted back and forth for a moment until she spoke. With the news about Elmer in prison, a report about Peach going missing will point fingers at us, and have the police breathing down my family neck .

Not if he wants his wife dead figuratively of course But Elijah doesn’t know that she can’t get killed Threaten him with that and he will shut his hole and obey you” Jacob replied calmly, watching the old woman’s reactions closely “I don’t know, Jacob

“That’s why I am going to be the one to handle it” “So many things can go wrong here”  Yes But I can’t allow your boy to go to jail So let me do this ”  Silence fell belween them for a moment, both lost in their thoughts, before Jewel spoke, “What is this going to cost me?”  Picking up his glass, Jacob sipped from it with a small smile and then replied, “For old time’s sake, Jewel This one is free, even though I am tempted to make you pay like the old days.”

When Mr Barnford heard his office door open, he raised his gaze to see Elijah stepping in with a friendly smile A grin to mask your evil deed from this morning.” Mr. Bamford said, with no trace of anger in his voice  A smirk formed itself on Elijahs face as he made his way to the chair and sat down, saying, “You have 10 be specific, Chief As a law-abiding citizen, it’s hard to remember a crime that I didn’t commit.”

“The reporters, Elijah” The chief started, still calm and composed as usual  “Ohh, yes the reporters How could I have forgotten about them? They had Elmer’s face on every Tv… If you ask me, I think the statement, ‘walls have ears’ is truthful Have you checked with the ears within these walls of the station before pointing a finger at me, chief?

Smart a*s


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