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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 120

Playing along with Jacob's gameWith the sound of her heels hitting the marble tiles and a serious expression on her face, Amelia walked down the lobby of her company, andthen she left the buildingWhen she finally got to the parking lot, she opened the back door of her Mercedes, entered the backseat, and shut it, staring away from the tinted windows the moment she heard all the doors lock automatically.

"Jerry, what the hell?!" Amelia said, looking intently at the reflection of a man with a mask and hat on in the rearview mirror.

"Jerry is asleep... So I will be your driver for today." A deep, dark voice came out from the driver's seat.

Before she could tell or react, the left back door unlocked, and she was about to make a run forit, but the door suddenly opened and a tall guy entered, sitting by her, then shut the door before the sound of the lock went off.

"You took care of him?" The guy behind the steering wheel asked as he started the car engine.

"Yes." The other dude said, giving Amelia a small smile.

Fear ceasing her, she felt lost for words that her lunch break had led her to getkidnapped in her own car, and her heartbeat sprinted inside of her ribcage.

The car moved forward, making her hold onto her bag, and cried out, "How much do you want?!"of disrespectful pieces of ignorant people." The guy behind the wheel snarled.

"It's always about money with you shitty rich folks... What a bunch

Frowning at how rude his tone was, Amelia scowled but suppressed her anger and mumbled, "Look-""Shut her up." The driver said.

The other guy took out a handkerchief, and before she could struggle or scream, he pressed it to hernose, knocking her off a couple of seconds later.

The concern Madam Jewel was trying to downplay slowly began to consume her when it was one o'clock and Melina hadnot picked up her phone, not answering any of her thirty missed calls.

As she was about to dial her granddaughter again, Josh stormed into the living room, walked over to the couch, and popped down on it.

Silently, she watched him run his fingers through his hair, sighing out his frustration and closing his eyes in the process, lettinghis head rest on the cushions behind him.

After waiting several moments, Madam Jewel forgot about calling Melina and asked her grandson, "What's the matter?"again.

"It's Iris," Josh sighed, rubbing his temples and closing his eyes

"Iris? What about your wife?""She left our house at ten o'clock to go on a brunch datewith her friends, but Carla and Ronal called me that she didn't reach them and her phone is suspiciously off.

have been searching everywhere for her, but so far nothing, and now I just don't know where to look anymore." "Have you checked withher parents?" "Yes,"A frown formed on Madam Jewel's face when she saw a sudden flash of frustration appear in Josh's eyes, and then her own thoughts made her face hardened.

"Then you are, Josh," Dean said as he stepped into the living room.

"Why are you back home early from work?" Josh asked, looking at his father with a raised eyebrowl am calling her, but her phone is switched off, and her driver is also not answering his phone," Dean explained, running his hand through his already disheveled hair.

"Your mother went out to look for your sister, and now,

Panicking, Madam Jewel looked between her grandson and her son, confusion showing on her features.

"Wait... What happened to Melina?" Josh questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"She didn't go home last night... And she's not answering anyone's calls," Dean said.

"Iris is missing too.

Her phone is off and she didn't reach her friends that she was supposed to have brunch with..." "Martha's phone is also off, and she promised to also call meto update me about Melina."The living room grew tense and silent, and the thought of three women in the family going missing all of sudden haunted Madam Jewel deeply.

"Should we report it to the police?" Josh whispered after minutes passed of them thinking about it

"No!" Madam Jewel blurted out, causing everyone to turn their heads toward her.


Let's wait a bit and see if this is all a coincidence, and if they will turnout later on.""Even though Dean and Josh were both confused and impatient, they knew not to argue against her decision.

11 At three o'clock, Tommy marched into the living room and saw Dean and Josh, lying on the couch, their eyeson the ceiling.

"Hey, Dean... Is Patricia here with Rebecca and Emma?" Tommy asked, walking towards them.

"No, Why?" Dean mumbled, giving his brother side eyes.

"The three were supposed to pick up dresses at one o'clock for Madam Zana's granddaughter's wedding this Saturday andPatricia called me to tell me that they were on their way back, but now, I can't reach-" "Them... And their phones are off.""Yes.

How did you.""Martha and Melina are missing too.""What?" too." "What?! How?!" Tommy exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

Turning his head to give his uncle a dull glare, Josh sighed and said, "Iris is missing

At that moment, Madam Jewel walked into the room, frowning slightly in worry as she asked,"What are you doing here, son?""My wife and two daughters are missing!" Tommy said, looking directly into his mother's eyes.

"What?!"And now, Dean is telling me that Melina and Martha are missing... Also, Iris! What the hell is going on?!" Speechless asfeartook hold of her heart in its hand and squeezed it, Madam Jewel just stood there, looking dumbfounded, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

"Can we go to the police now?" Josh asked, his patience long gone.

"Why? Can't we go to the police?" Tommy let out.

"Mother said that we should wait." Dean replied, his voice low.

As Tommy turned to her with a frown plastered on his face, Madam Jewel's phone rang and, grabbing it, she answered right away without evenchecking who called.

"Hello?" She said.

"Umm... Madam... The thing is, Miss Amelia went out for lunch and she has not returned to the office yet.

I am trying to reach her on the phone, but it is off... I was wondering if she's home." Amelia secretary's voice echoed from the other end.

"Oh my...!""What is it, Madam?" Ending the call, Madam Jewel put down her phone and looked at everyone around her wide-eyed in silence until Dean broke it, asking, "Whathappened?" "Amelia is missing." Madam Jewel managed to say.

Immediately, Josh jumped from the couch, glaring at his grandmother, and let out, "We are going to the police station now! This is nonsense!" The calmnessin Mr. Bamford's eyes never left his face as he stared at Elijah, laying on his couch, andasked, "Who are you hiding away from, Mr.Darius?" Withdrawing his gaze off the ceiling, Elijah eyed the chief constable, a small smile tugging at the corner ofhis lips as he thought, 'I am not hiding, but buying time.

If Jacob's men have eyes on me, then I need him to believe I am doing everything to get Elmer out.'my food, and slept... But do you know what you haven't done yet...?" Mr.Bamford said, crossing his arms against his chest.

"You drank my coffee, ate

"Ask, 'how's the family?" Elijah responded nonchalantly.

"No... You haven't told me the truth." "I am just here as an effort to bond with you..."the chief, Mr.Bamford couldn't help but chuckle at the naive look on his face.

"Haha, you are funny." When Elijah beamed at


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