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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 131

Read The Marvelous Elijah’s Return by Rever Chapter 131

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Picking up his phone from his desk, Joey strolled until his gaze rested on Elijah‘s number, and then he took a deep breath, dialing it. “I am sorry to contact you just now, but we are deciding on which company to award the project to and all shareholders are being informed just in case you want to be present. But I have watched the news and saw that you have your hands occupied with a lawsuit, so I have been indecisive to bother you on such...” Joey said, his voice at a low range. “For the new branch?” Elijah asked, swirling slightly in his seat as he stared at the sunlight through the transparent glass. “Yes... But as a shareholder, you don‘t have to waste your time on such trivial matters. The board and others have this...” 

“I will be there, Joey.” 

“Oh... Okay then... The meeting is this Friday then.” “See you there.” When he ended the call with Elijah, Joey‘s heart finally settled into place once again. Since he heard that Elijah had put Elmer behind bars and the fact that Elijah funded his crushing company back to health, memories of his first encounter with Elijah keep hunting him like a pack of rabid dogs that he feared will bite him in the ass at any time. 


“Why does he always keep up a humble appearance... And plays the role of someone you can easily walk over when he knows damn well how powerful his pockets are...” Joey murmured, taking his handkerchief out and wiping some sweat that ran down his forehead. “Is it to trap people... Damn.... He must be doing this shit on purpose!” A look of shock appeared on Martha‘s face as she stopped in the hallway and stared blankly at Melina before she shouted, “Dean!!! She‘s here!” 

“That fucking bastard!!!” Melina screamed, her whole body shaking in rage. The rope mark on her wrists caught Martha‘s attention, and she whispered, “Melina, your skin!” 

“I know! I know!! The dehumanization that that dirty dog made me go through because of stupid Peach is just... just... fucking sick!!!” Melina yelled with a look of pure hatred in her eyes. Immediately, Madam Jewel and Dean halted in their steps on the stairs when she saw Melina, and the volume of her scream echoed in their ears, making them flinch. 

“Melina,” Madam Jewel‘s voice was calm as ever, despite the fear inside her. 

“Please tell me that Jacob fucked up Peach! Tell me that that bitch suffered worse humiliation than I went through for five freaking days!!” Melina shouted like a deranged person, trying not to lose her mind from the anger and humiliation she was feeling. “Melina,” 

“What‘s with the uncertainty in your voice, Grandma?! Why the hell are you sounding like 

some defeated woman who gave up?! Did something happen?!” With those words, Madam Jewel looked at Dean, a desperate expression on her face, which instantly made Melina‘s expression when blank before she screamed, “What the fuck happened?! Or are you all deaf!” “Melina!! That‘s your father and grandmother!!” Martha whispered frantically. 

“Stay out of this!” 

“Don‘t talk to me in such a tone, young woman!” 

The chaos that was blossoming in front of her eyes was beginning to become too much, and Madam Jewel let out, “He kidnapped your mother, cousins, aunts, and sister–in–law... I had 


“Did Peach come out of this unharmed?!” Melina whispered, and yet her voice was filled with rage. “He would have hurt every woman in our family if she got a scratch... He even beat Jacob into an induced coma because he took her ring. That boy is a...” 

“Stop speaking!!” After her robust voice echoed through the hallway, it became dead silent for a while until Melina burst into a giggle that sounded maniacal. 

Madam Jewel closed her eyes tightly, unable to take any more of the madness that her granddaughter kept spewing. “I went through such shit for nothing?!...” Melina suddenly asked, and when Madam Jewel opened her eyes, she was no longer laughing, but her face was contorted into a mask of anger and frustration. “Elijah had me bound to one spot for five days without food or water, no bathroom break, and you guys let that bitch walk off easily!! What the hell, Jewel!” 

“Melina!” Dean called in warning. 

Throwing her father a glare, Melina said no words, and yet, her eyes spoke volumes. 

“Since you all have decided to be a bunch of pansies, I will get my payback on my own... This family makes me sick, and I don‘t care anymore...” Melina blurted before turning around to leave. “Don‘t do anything drastic, Melina. Elijah punished you just because you lied about being pregnant with his child and... So don‘t...” Dean let out, stopping when his daughter halted in her footsteps and turned around slowly, glaring daggers at him. Then a smile slowly grew on her lips, a dangerous glint in her eyes, and she snorted before letting out, “I deserve such harshness because I lied about being pregnant... Let‘s test and find out if he will give Peach the same treatment when she becomes barren.” 


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