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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 170

Read The Marvelous Elijah’s Return by Rever Chapter 170- Black deal negotiations Holding Elijah‘s hand a bit tightly, Peach stared solely at him as they sat in the backseat of the Limousine, on their way to the hospital.

“It‘s just a check–up,” Elijah said, trying not to let his nervousness show through. “You and little Munchkin are fine.”

“I know. I‘m just happy... a bit nervous, but happy,” Peach admitted, and then she took a moment to take some deep breaths, then looked at her husband with a small smile.

A while later, Elijah walked Peach into Doctor Harry‘s office, the couple smiled at him when he raised his gaze and beamed at them.

“Welcome guys... Sit, please.” Dr. Harry asked politely.

After leading Peach to a chair, Elijah took a seat by her and then focused on Dr. Harris as he asked, “So, are you two really to hear your baby‘s heart–”

Suddenly Elijah‘s ringtone interrupted the doctor, and with an apologetic look on his face, he stared at Peach as he reached into his pocket for it, mumbling, “I am so sorry, babe.” When he got it out of his pocket, Elijah stared at the screen for a split second, and then he turned the phone off, putting it back into his pocket.

Then he focused on Doctor Harry and said, “Please continue.”

“Well... As I was saying, ‘Are you guys ready to hear your baby‘s heartbeat?” Dr. Harry asked, smiling widely.

Looking over at Peach, Elijah sensed a weird emotion that he couldn‘t figure out, and he watched her beamed at him.

Almost in unison, the two of them answered, “Yes! We‘re ready!”

A couple of minutes later, Peach was laying on her back on the hospital bed with Elijah standing by her side, his hand in hers, and she kept squeezing it, eyeing him with fear in her eyes. “Little Munchkin is fine,” Elijah told her gently, and Peach let out a sigh of relief, relaxing against the pillow. Then they both watched the technician hold a small probe against Peach‘s belly and said, “Please keep still, okay, Mrs. Maxwell?”

“Yes, sorry...,” Peach agreed, squeezing Elijah‘s hand again. With a nod of her head, the technician pressed the probe down, and it took a couple of seconds, but soon, a tiny heartbeat could be heard coming from the device.

Tears welled up in Peach‘s eyes and she whispered, “That‘s our baby‘s heartbeat.”

Chuckling in excitement, Elijah nodded at her, before leaning down and kissing her forehead, listening to his heir‘s heartbeat as he whispered, “I am proud of you.” “I am proud of us,” Peach laughed through her tears. “We are finally going to be a family of three.”

Even though those words felt surreal to them, the sound of their unborn baby‘s heartbeat echoing softly in their ears made it all too real for the couple.

After they got done with the procedure a moment later, Elijah was escorting Peach down the hospital lobby when he felt someone‘s eerie feeling like they were being watched and he turned around to see who it was.

But then he saw nothing, only an empty hallway, and yet he had this nagging feeling, and he felt like sending his men to go check, but then Peach asked, “Are you okay?” Not wanting to put her in a stressful position over something that

could turn out to be nothing, he looked down at her and said with a small smile, “Yeah, I am... It‘s nothing,”

Even though she could tell from his expression that he was alert, Peach knew how stressful his days had been recently, so she nodded slightly, and then hugged onto his arm as he guarded her.

“She‘s pregnant… That bitch is carrying his child,” Melina mumbled as she hid behind the wall and this mad look in her dark eyes.

Leaning forward with a sinister grin on her lips, she whispered,” This bitch will pay.”

When they got in the car, the moment Elijah took out his phone and turned it on, it took only a couple of minutes, and then it started ringing again, causing Peach to stare at him. The hesitant look on his face made her stare at him tenderly and then said, “You should answer. little Munchkin and I understand that Daddy got a couple of unfinished business to do.”

“You are the best,” Elijah said, kissing her head.

Then he accepted the unknown call, and then asked, “Who is this?”

“Hello, Is this Mr. Maxwell?” A voice filled with a foreign accent echoed from the other side of the line.

“You are speaking with him,” Elijah said, having a sense that this conversation was going to turn out more bad news than good one. “Who am I speaking with?”

––“I am Ines. My brother and I were trying to establish a company in

Syldavia, and we successfully did the transaction with one Tommy Hayes... He had documents and evidence that he was the Chairman of Investable Co. But now that we have left Dali and have entered in Syldavia, we are getting told that you and your wife own all the Hayes‘ companies, and Tommy is not the owner.”

“Have you paid him any money?” Elijah asked, and his body stiffened a bit, not liking where this conversation was heading.

There was silence on the other side for a couple of seconds, and then Ines spoke, “He wanted one–third of the cash before he could provide us with the final documents and papers... I know it was stupid of us to do such business transactions. But his price was so low that we thought it was a once–in-a-lifetime chance, but now that we are in Syldavia, we realized that we got duped.”

“When did you guys make the payment?”

“He pressured us for it yesterday evening, and we sent two hundred thousand dollars to him then. But my brother and I were already on a flight to Syldavia because we wanted to do things face –to–face and not over video chat anymore. After all, he was becoming demanding.”


“You are the one shouting like a madman, Tommy, and now, everyone is glaring.” Patricia lashed out, and then her expression went cold. “Tommy... Police...” “Fuck!” Tommy groaned in a low tone before turning to face the officers, his eyes pleading, “I‘m sorry officers, I didn‘t mean to cause a public disturbance. My wife and I are just having a few marital issues. But I promise that I am not a violent man.” When the first officer stood before him, the policeman smirked and then said, “Well, we don‘t care about your marital affair, but we do care about you carrying out a fraudulent act, and selling a company that isn‘t yours. And for that, you are under arrest, Tommy.


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