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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 172

ReadThe Marvelous Elijah’s Return by Rever Chapter 172 Where is she?

The dining table was quiet as Mr. Williams sat with his daughter–in –law, his son, and Dan, and after a while, Vance asked his father,” So, he‘s coming here today?”

“Yes,” Dr. Williams said, staring intensely at his food.

After a long silence, Julie gazed at him and then said, “Do you think he‘s about to make his final move?”

“If he is, then I will have to come clean... He has done so much for us and weakened Jewel so much that I think it‘s safe now...” Mr. William mumbled, lifting his head to stare at his son.

“What are you not telling us, father?” Vance asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Silence settled in the room and then Mr. Williams whispered, “I did it to protect your cousin.”

“Uncle Elijah!!” Dan‘s sudden shout made the three of them turn their heads to stare at the dining room doorway to see Elijah walking into the room.

“Elijah... I mean, Mr. Maxwell...” Vance said, looking slightly nervous, knowing that a lot of things had come to light in the media about Elijah since the first time they met.

Jumping from his chair, Dan rushed for Elijah, hugging his leg, and then lifted his hands, beaming cutely.

“Hey, little guy...” Elijah said as he picked up Dan from the ground, holding him in his arms.

“Welcome, Mr. Maxwell,” Julie said politely.

Nodding at him, Elijah sat at the table and then smiled when she asked, “Should I make a plate for?”

“Thanks. But my wife and I had already had breakfast before I got here. So, I am full.” Elijah said, and then he swayed his gaze to Dr. William.

Immediately, Elijah locked eyes with him, and then he said, “I‘m full... Let‘s talk in the living room.”

Taking his sight off Dr. William, Elijah looked down at Dan and said, “Hey, little guy... Uncle Elijah will be right back, okay?”

When Dan nodded with a big smile, Elijah set him back in his chair and then walked out of the living room with Dr. Williams.

A moment later, the two were seated in the living room and Elijah studied the doctor for a while and then said, “Meeks is alive, and is healing greatly in the ICU.”

“Lawyer Meeks?!” Dr. William exclaimed, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

“He called me a while back. Apparently, his accident was also caused by Jewel. But I flew him out of Syldavia and he‘s now healing perfectly from his spine injury at the hospital. And he has agreed to testify against Jewel on my behalf.”

“Wow... Unbelievable and great news...”

“With you two as my witness, I want to go forward with what I know to the court and develop a case against Jewel.”

Silent again, Dr. Williams took some deep breaths and then said quietly, “But then it will just be our words against hers which might give her a slight chance of walking free from justice.”

“I need to try at least... I don‘t want my kid entering this world with that maniac still free.” Elijah said, a trace of worry in his voice.

Swallowing heavily, Dr. Williams nodded and then looked down at his hands, saying, “So Peach is pregnant.”

“Yeah. Except for family, you are the first stranger to know... I am telling you because I need you to understand how important Jewel being locked away is for me, my wife, and our unborn kid.” Elijah said, a sigh slipping from his lips afterward.

For a while, Dr. William didn‘t dare look at Elijah, feeling very uncomfortable, until he finally opened his mouth to say, “I said to you back then less than I knew, and I lied... I was scared. When you found me, Jewel still had great power, and I couldn‘t...”

“What is it that you lied about?” Elijah asked, focusing solely on the Doctor.

“My niece... She is married with kids, and I couldn‘t... I didn‘t want to risk her life because back then I wasn‘t sure that you could protect her when she was in the wolf den, she is in Syldavia...”

“Please, Jacob... I am begging you. I swear on my life that I will protect her.”

“She, well... My niece has copies of the DNA results. I sent the file to her after Hayes‘s death, and it‘s not the only thing she has... The room that Hayes stayed in...”

“Go on,” Elijah encouraged gently.

Clearing his throat, Dr. Williams continued, “He was not only being monitored physically by me but technology–wise too, but only I knew that... My niece has a copy of the video too... the video of Jewel... the day she killed him. I told no soul, not even my own children about this, except her, because back then I was afraid. After Jewel‘s threat to kill my family and me, I made my niece vow on her kid‘s life that she will tell no soul about what she had, and she has never.” It took Elijah a moment to process what he had said, and then a sense of hope made him chuckle, his eyes lightening up at those words as he asked, “Where is she?”

When the door of her office opened, and Mr. Bamford stepped inside, she was confused and said, “Chief constable, what can I do for you?”

“Good evening, Dr. Dolan. Can you please take a drive with me to somewhere you feel like you will be safe at?” Mr. Bamford asked in a calm tone.

Seeing the seriousness on his face, the doc immediately stood from her desk and grabbed her phone and purse before walking over to him.

“Am I in trouble,” Dr. Dolan asked, a look of worry beaming in her eyes.

“Not at all.” It‘s quite the opposite.” Mr. Bamford said.

Even though she wasn‘t satisfied with his answer, Dr. Dolan walked out of her office with him, locked the door, and then they left the hospital together.

Two hours later, they arrived at her private villa, and she escorted him into the living room, took a seat with him, and then asked,” What‘s the matter?”

“Your uncle wants to speak with you.” Mr. Bamford stated.


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