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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Nagging Feeling

“Because of how risky her pregnancy and delivery were, Peach will have to stay in the hospital for two days just for us to monitor her.” Doctor Harry said to Elijah.

Still shaken by Peach’s labor experience yesterday and what happened in the courthouse, Elijah darted his gaze between his wife and then daughter,

feeling stressed and overwhelmed before looking back at Dr. Harry, and then he said, “There’s no issue with both of them, right?”

Smiling, Dr. Harry replied, “No, there shouldn’t be one. I’m confident that

Peach is healthy, but we can’t take any chances.”

“You are sure… Because the last time you gave me an assurance you almost delivered my child behind my back,”

Elijah said, a hint of bitterness lingering in his voice.

An awkward tension settled in the room, and then Peach softly uttered, “Babe, it was not Dr. Harry’s fault-”

“I know,” Elijah said, looking over at

Peach and meeting her eyes with a disappointed look in his.

Sighing, Dr. Harry hung his head in shame and said, “I know my faults in all of this Mr. Maxwell, and I am sorry for my medical unprofessionalism. It will never happen again. I promise you that your wife and daughter are in good health. It’s just safer to keep them here for the next two days.”

It took Elijah a second to not let his feeling ruin a beautiful moment and so he gave Mr. Harry a small smile and said, ” Thank you for your service to my family. I appreciate you and your staff for everything you guys have done.”

The Doctor finally felt like he could breathe properly around Elijah again because since Peach gave birth he knew that the was an elephant in the room between Elijah and him, and now that they have addressed it, he felt much more. at ease.

So he nodded at Elijah before walking out of the room, and once the door shut close behind him, Peach pouted in worry, staring sadly at Elijah, and then said, Babe, I-”

But then the sudden sound of the room door opening again drew both their attention to the doorway to see a nurse walking in with a smile on her face.

“Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell.” The lady said, focusing on Elijah. “Mr. Maxwell, can you please take off your shirt? It’s time for the skin-to-skin section with your baby.”

Every feeling Elijah ever felt till this particular moment faded, and then a sense of warmth fill him as he woke from the couch and started unbuttoning his shirt.

The way his face lit up as he removed his shirt from his shoulder made Peach’s smile reach her eyes as she watched for a while and then Elijah tossed his shirt on the couch.

“I am ready,” Elijah said as he sat back down on the couch and waited patiently for the nurse to pick baby Alverta in her hands gently and then approach.

Seeing how tiny she was made Elijah both nervous and excited to hold her, but he waited for the nurse to place her on his bare chest and position her there, saying, “Keep your hands on her back, up towards her neck.”

Gently Elijah did as he was told and held

Alverta’s tiny body against him, and then he smiled when he felt her fingers touch the softness of his tanned skin.

The feeling of her heartbeat, the sound of the little noise she made, and the way she moved around in his arms were absolutely mesmerizing to Elijah.

“It was all worth it,” Elijah whispered, kissing his daughter’s head which was filled with silky black hair.

His eyelids shut, and he allowed the feeling of fear, exhaustion, and the overwhelming feeling of uncertainty to all flow away from him, and he didn’t think about anything else except holding this precious life in his arms.

In that instant, Elijah was so unaware of his surroundings as he held his daughter that he didn’t even notice the sound of the door closing when the nurse left the room.

“I’m sorry,” Peach’s soft voice said, breaking through Elijah’s trance. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Opening his eyes and looking across the room at his wife, Elijah drew a breath, knowing what she was apologizing for and yet, not knowing what to say in response.

“I am sorry that I lied to you.” Peach said with a gentle sniff. “Keeping the critical state of our baby from you was wrong of me. Planning to go through delivery without you there was also wrong of me to do. I am so sorry that I looked into your eyes and withheld the truth with a lie. Forgive me?”

The hospital room grew quiet after those words for a couple of minutes and Peach became more anxious to hear Elijah’s response.

“Say something please,” Peach pleaded

with her husband, wanting nothing more than to make things right between them. again.

“I am not mad, but It hurt… It still does, to be honest.” Elijah admitted calmly.

“I know… I never should have taken your right away as her father and my husband. It was not my place to decide for the both of us without talking to you first. I don’t want to give you an excuse for why I did it, but just know that I feel awful for doing that to you.”

“I understand why you did what you did, and although it hurts, I am glad it all worked out and you and Piki are safe.”

Not satisfied with her husband’s answer

Peach pouted when their eyes locked and uttered, “So you forgive me?”

“There’s no way I can stay mad at you,” Elijah laughed, feeling Piki move in his arm, and then he looked down at her and said, “it’s all forgiven. So how about we start fresh from here?”

Immediately Peach nodded, smiling at Elijah, and then said, “Yes, let’s do that.”

For a moment, Elijah stared at the bed, and then he got up, walking over to her gently while holding Piki.


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