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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 32

A month is what you have

The sound of hums echoed from the kitchen as James bobbed his head to the beat of the music in his mind while frying the eggs

James, I feel healthy enough now to cook for you guys. You shouldnt be in the kitchen.Miss Grace said as she walked toward him with a smile on her face

I know... Being a butler is not my only job, I was a chef...James blurted out, pausing as he turned to look at her

You are a butler? Whos Butler...? Why are you here if you are supposed to be working as someones butler?” 

Because..! Well... Because I got fired. You see when you love a job and it gets taken away from you... well, you never really recover from it.” 

With a look of pity on her face, Miss Grace smiled weakly and mumbled, You poor fellow. Now, I understand your love for my kitchen.” 

Laughing nervously, James studied her kind eyes, rubbed his neck, and mumbled, Well, thank you for understanding.” 

There was a long pause as they stared at each other, and then Miss Grace sniffed the air, crying out, James the egg is burning!With a look of horror on his face, he quickly jumped into action while grabbing the handler of the frying pan and taking it off the stove as soon as possible

The smoke detector started screaming as James stopped the smoke by beating the frying pan with a towel, feeling nervous while listening to Miss Grace laugh out loud at him being so clumsy. Good morning?Elijah said as he walked into the kitchen looking confused and slightly worried

What is that bad odor?Rookie blurted out, scratching his neck as he tried to smell the air. James just burned our breakfast...Elijah teased, looking at the nervous look on his butlers face

James ruined breakfast?! Woohoo!Matt mocked as he followed Ryan into the kitchen

So, are we spending today on an empty stomach?Ryan laughed, picking up on the others desire to tease James because this was the first time he had burned something. Smiling sheepishly James muttered, Sorry, Im sorry...” Come on guys. Its not fair to tease poor James,Miss Grace said, trying to stop herself from chuckling along with the others. Feeling the humorous atmosphere in the room, James couldn‘t help but giggle at his mistake too, and then said, Since everyone is awake...” 

There was a brief pause as he gazed at the faces in the room and then he let out, Is Peach still asleep.” 

Scratching his brow, Elijah darted his gaze away from the others as the thought of him kissing Peach popped into his mind for a second and his heart thudded against his chest

The kiss wasnt meant to feel so damn right to him when he knew it was wrong in all sense


the moment their lips touched he felt like he was drowning in nothing but feelings and passion

And if that moment was to happen again, he didnt think he would have a second thought and not make the same mistake twice

Shaking those memories from his mind, Elijah looked over at Miss Grace as she said, I will 

get her.” 

His gaze followed her until she disappeared out of the kitchen, and then he looked back at Matt, staring intensely at him

What?Elijah asked, feeling uneasy under the intensity of his man‘s stare. Nothing. You just seem a little distracted, is everything alright?Matt asked, lowering his gaze a little. Elijah shook his head and replied, Of course everything is fine... why wouldnt things be?The sound of a gentle knock on her door made Peach cover her head with the sheet, and then she heard her mothers voice, Peach, darling... Are you awake..? Breakfast is ready.I am not well, mama! I will not be coming downstairs today...Peach shouted back nervously. Then she pouted and let out a sigh of frustration, mumbling, Or ever.The entire night, she spent it thinking about how she was going to face Elijah. But now the morning is here, she didnt think she could do it anymore

And it wasnt helping that her mind was torturing her with thoughts about what happened last night, and the rush of emotion that came with it was overwhelming her. When Miss Grace turned the knob and realized that the door was locked, she frowned and said, Honey, how sick are you... is it severe?” 

No, its not. I just have a slight headache.Peach lied, hoping that her mother bought it

Okay, but you can not stay in here without eating, so promise me when you feel much better, you will come downstairs.Pressing her lips together, Peach pinched the sheets, knowing there is no way she could hide away from Elijah forever. But at least a couple of hours sounds better than seeing him now and pretending like last night never happened. Okay,Peach called out, I promise.Sighing, Miss Grace turned away from her daughters door and walked away, feeling a bit worried about her. When she got to the dining hall, and Elijahs gaze fell on her, seeing that Peach wasnt with her, he blurted out his thoughts, Where is Peach?” 

She wouldnt be joining us. She isnt feeling well.Miss Grace said with a worried expression as she sat down between James and Ryan

Without his approval, his emotions began clouding his judgment as they did yesterday, and his sense of worry and anxiety only grew stronger after hearing of Peachs illness. Furrowing his brows with a look of worry on his face, Rookie commented, How serious is it?Should I make a hot bowl of soup for her?James added concern laced through his voice. Miss Grace shook her head, trying not to sound anxious as she answered, Its just a slight headache. She will be out later.” 

The way James, Rookie, Ryan, and Matt sighed in relief made Elijah realize his men cared for Peach greatly and that her personality was infectious to them

After Breakfast, as James was clearing the table with Miss Grace, Elijah stood up from his seat looked over at Rookie, and said, Follow me,As he walked off, Rookie took a deep breath before waking from the chair and walking after him

Nervously, Ryan, Matt, and James gazed at Rookies back until he faded out the dining hall doorway, and then they eyed each other, trying to figure out what Elijah wanted to tell him

Once Rookie entered Elijahs room, shutting the door behind him, he looked at him with a concerned look on his face

Boss?Rookie called out gently

Bryan Checks,Elijah began, leaning back on the chair. I need to know every single detail about this man. When you are done investigating him, I should know his blood type, and how many toes he has on his feet... I should know him more than the woman that gave birth to him


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