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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 38

Five thousand 

A look of fear sparked in Marthas eyes as she helped Dean tie his tie around his neck, and when she got done, she whispered, Honey, our daughter has suffered a lot.” 

What is that supposed to mean?!Dean said, sounding quite annoyed at the sudden turn in the conversation

Lowering her voice, even more, Martha continued, Grace hit our daughter when she went to the motel yesterday. Melinda was quite devastated when she came to see me yesterday.At his wifes words, Deans brows knitted together into a tight frown as he uttered coldly, Is that so!?” 

I know Melina did wrong by marrying that man, but Grace doesnt have the right to discipline our daughter when you, her own father, have never raised a hand against her.Martha said, looking up at him with watery eyes as she cried, Do you understand what Im trying to say?I know what you are saying... Grace should worry about training her daughter and not mine. But since she has crossed the line, then I wouldnt have to hold back to teach Peach manners when the time comes. We all know that that child needs some manly discipline to make her behave like a lady.Smiling softly, Martha gently brushed her palms against her husbands coat and mumbled,Thank you, honey, for understanding... Youre a good man.A small frown crossed Butler Grey‘s face when he opened the front door because of a knock and saw Josh standing outside, looking at him with crazy eyes. Good morning, sir Josh.Butler Grey greeted him politely while trying to be mindful of him, because, like his sister, he had a very unruly temper. Walking past the old man, Josh stepped into the hallway, frowning slightly as he asked,Wheres my grandmother?!Well, Madam Jewel is having breakfast inside the dining room.Butler Grey replied, closing the front door behind himself. Without uttering another word to the old man, Josh marched down the hallway and barged into the dining room. Mom, dad, grandma!Josh blurted out as he stared at Martha, Dean, and Madam Jewel seated at the table. Good morning,Ahha, Josh, you are here. How are you, grandson?Madam Jewel greeted him with a smile on her face

I am great,Josh explained excitedly, sitting down next to her

Its good that you are going with me to Paz motelhonestly. Its been years since I have seen those two, and the last time Alfred was taking his wife and daughter out of this house, Grace couldn‘t stop calling me names...” Grandma,” 

I cant believe she said that I was a witch and I ruined her husband and her daughter

livelihood... Haha... Did she think she is the only one with a motherly heart? My children and grandchildren come first then anyone, and I would do anything to give them the best of life...” 

Seeing how his mother clutched the glass of juice, Dean cleared his throat and said, And we appreciate all the sacrifices that you have done for us to have this life, and we will do everything in our power to return the favor one day.” 

That one day is now because we can not allow Peach to slip out of our grip or it would be the end of this family!Madam Jewel declared with a deep tone, staring at her grandson before lowering her gaze onto her son. The dining table immediately fell silent after that and only the sound of their breathing could be heard in the atmosphere. James, Im glad you didnt burn something today!Matt teased, slapping James on the shoulder, who was chuckled

Frowning, James narrowed his eyes and said, Shut up, Matt! Especially when you cleared your plate!” 

Well, it wasnt burned, so...” Matt replied, laughing harder

Rookie and Ryan joined in on the laughter and James shook his head, rolling his eyes playfully

You three are dicks, and tomorrow you guys are going to have an empty plate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!James informed with a deadly serious expression

That only made Matt and the others laugh louder, but soon, Rookie elbowed Ryan in the side as he whispered, The boss is here.” 

Immediately, the motel lobby grew deathly quiet once again as they stared at Elijah walking into the room

Rookie,Elijah called out, his expression neutral

Yes!!Rookie said as he jumped to his feet

Walk with me.” 


As Elijah turned to walk away, he stopped, seeing Peach approaching him from the opposite direction

When she stopped right in front of him, she met his eyes and smiled, nodding her head politely and murmuring, Any plans for today?Why?.You got one?Elijah teased, raising an eyebrow as his smirk appeared once again

Shaking her head, Peach bit her lower lip slightly before whispering, No...” 

Well, I dont have one either,Elijah confessed, running a hand through his hair

Looking sideways, at Ryan, Matt, James, and Rookie, Peach hesitated, feeling sheepish and unsure whether to ask or not. After a few seconds, Peach took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and blurted out, Well, last night you said you dont know Syldavia that well, so...You want to be my tour guide?Elijah teased, his lips curving upwards

Blushing furiously, Peach stammered, Well, um... I mean yes... if you want me to be, I mean...” Well, I have a month of freedom, so why not?Elijah told her, smiling widely. Peachs cheeks were redder than ever now, and she muttered, Okay,Allured by her adorable blush, Elijalı gave her a gentle pat on the head before turning to walk away with Rookie, following closely behind

Sighing happily, Peach leaned back against the wall as she let out a giggle, which sounded more like a squeal when Elijahs back had faded down the hallway along with Rookie

Suddenly, her expression turned serious when James showed up in front of her and pushed his face closer to hers

Hey... What do you think you are doing?James asked in a soft voice

Peach blushed madly under his gaze as she stuttered, IUm... Nothing? Why?” 

Because it looks like you are shooting your shot with Elijah,James said in a low voice, causing Peach to freeze in surprise

Huh..? Shoot my shot... What are you talking about? Im not flirting with him!Hmmm, why do I not buy it, and why does your face turn so red every time you mention him

Pouting, Peach pulled away from the wall and said, Stop interrogating me, James.Then she ran off, not noticing that James looked very amused as he watched her walk off faster

I think you owe me twenty bucks,Ryan whispered as he eyed Matt

Come on. The bet was that he falls for her, not her falling for him.Matt pointed out, shaking his head slightly

You think the boss doesnt like Peach.” 


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